Requst for ATARI Jaguar

You can play tempest on other systems, because that is the only game worth having a jag emu for. Everything else on the system ranges from below average to purest shit!!! Worst... console... ever (probably).
Wrong, the worst console is CDI with the WORST mario and zelda games EVER
No no no no no. The worst console ever, which by universal decree has precisely zero redeeming games available for it, is the Tiger, and that's a fact.
The Tiger R-Zone is far worse, in fact, this must be the worst console ever made.
No ! The worst console ever is a LCD solitaire ! Now you can play cards ( normally a moderately social pastime ) by yourself - with LCD graphics ! Be the biggest boss on your street !
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Although we're completely offtopic an LCD solitaire game is not a console, it doesn't take gamecartridges in any sort or form.
The worst console ever is one I just posted in the Absurdism thread -

BTW I loved my Jaguar. It was a really nice machine and the controller really wasn't as bad as people (that probably never used it) think/say.

AVP and Tempest 2000 were totally ace. As was Doom, Theme Park (the overlay made that one really easy to play) and Cannon Fodder were also very good. There were some real turds on the machine though.
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