Here's what's new for this version of PandaBAS - bear in mind that the Windows and x86/Linux versions have not been updated yet:
What's new for SpecBAS
Inline IF support - IIF(condition,true-expr,false-expr) will return the correct expression's result based on the condition. Also, IIF$ for strings
SORT array() or array$() will sort a one-dimensional array
INCLUDE "myfile1","myfile2"... to add procedures from other files into your program at runtime
RENUMBER now respects RESTORE and RUN when used with a numeric parameter
CASE structure - CASE, WHEN, OTHERWISE and END CASE - See documentation for details
Music files can now be stored in and played from a memory bank
WINDOW MERGE id can now be used to close a window and copy its contents to the display - specify ALL instead of an id to merge all open windows
MUSICPOS function - returns the position of the currently playing music in seconds
MUSICLEN function - returns the length of the current music in seconds
Auto-arrays: for simple one-dimensional arrays, you can DIM a=1,2,3,4,5 to automatically fill the array
Fixed an /old/ bug which inappropriately truncated arrays when LISTed