KeePassX starts now but...
if I make a new database or open an existing database the program crashed.
I can't attach the file pndrun_keepassx.out on this post, I'm not permitted.
Here is my pndrun_keepassx.out
PND : /media/portapps/pandora/desktop/keepassx.pnd
PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs
APPDATADIR : /media/portapps/pandora/appdata/keepassx
PND_CPUSPEED : <unset>
EXENAME : ./keepassx
ARGUMENTS : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/utmp/keepassx"
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/portapps/pandora/appdata/keepassx=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/keepassx=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/keepassx"
[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application ( ./keepassx ) ----------
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
ataPath: can't find data dir
./keepassx: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: gpg_err_set_errno
[ FAILED]--- Starting the application ( ./keepassx ) ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
link.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/keepassx': Device or resource busy
[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
cleanup done
[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------
Return code is : 4