Replacement Casing for Rebirth


Still Fresh
Mar 14, 2006
San Diego
Hello all, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't get the search working on the forums for some reason.

I have a Rebirth OpenPandora console with Platinum casing that I bought at the end of 2015 and I realize it's out of warranty. It has only had light usage and has been stored in a place where it has not been in extreme heat nor extreme cold. I dug it out recently and noticed it's developed random cracks around it's casing, seemingly on it's own.

Unfortunately it looks like the casing is not going to come back in stock on the DragonBox shop and I'm concerned it will get worse and make my OpenPandora unusable. What are my options? Are there third party sellers or a way I can get 3D printed casing? I'm really falling in love with this thing all over again.

If it matters, I live in the States.

Thank you and again, sorry if this is a repeat post.
Unfortunately you'll have to either get one custom made, 3D print one, or salvage one from a parts unit.

There was a guy trying to make an aluminium case a few years ago but people chased him away with their impatience and entitlement. I'm still salty about it (the impatient/rude people of this community).
Thank you rError for the info, it is a real shame that the community did that, an aluminum case would be amazing. This is really a niche product, so it is a true blessing when someone wants to tackle a project like that on their own for the whole of the community.

I'm thinking the best option at this point would be to have a 3D print made, I have some places in my area that offer that as a service. Do you happen to know if there are 3D print files available for download?

Thank you again for your help, I appreciate it!
The Aluminium case issue isn't so cut an dry as rError stated, a lot of serious questions about feasibility and not a lot of answers, with some long waits on getting any true information, people were getting vocal about it. Honestly hoped it would turn out okay, but have to understand people had concerns.
Let me know if you need one 3D Printed, I've made quite a few myself.
Or additionally, you can have one custom made in something like a SLA resin or polycarbonate for ~$120 (I'm talking all parts nubs, upper, lower cases, stylus holder, stylus, battery door).
The Aluminium case issue isn't so cut an dry as rError stated, a lot of serious questions about feasibility and not a lot of answers, with some long waits on getting any true information, people were getting vocal about it. Honestly hoped it would turn out okay, but have to understand people had concerns.
It's just further proof the majority of this community doesn't understand the time/effort/cost involved with Tool & Die. The price of the case in contrast to the small production run, we were getting an insane deal. Sure, IDV could've been more communicative but I hold nothing against him. I have never met a tool maker or machinist where communication was their strong suite. Never. I was aware of what I was getting into when I gave my deposit, all the "people getting vocal about it" clearly did not. They were all ready with their pitchforks, starving for another 'Craig Hunt'.

IDV didn't have anyone's money, EvilDragon did. The risk was entirely his (IDV's). We were promised a full refund if things didn't work out, so what was the panic? The only mistake anyone can pin on IDV, he should've over-estimated his delivery date to much further down the road. That's it.

The community had one job, wait. Anyone who thinks they waited too long or should have received detailed & incremental updates, reread my first paragraph.
Unfortunately you'll have to either get one custom made, 3D print one, or salvage one from a parts unit.

Another option would be to offer to buy a spare case set from someone on these boards. There may be quite a few out there bought for modding projects that never happened, or "just in case"!
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