Replaced my silver case on the Pandora. Does this look normal?

my silver 1ghz case cracked at the inside from the lid, standing on a shelf without touching it, argh! pyra to the rescue!!
Which piece, and what area? Mine cracked along the side of the screen, near the tab, on the outer lid piece. It looked like the tab had somehow pushed that area out. It may be possible, as I did carry it daily at the time, but it was surrounded by foam in a Pelican case and only spent a little while in a car, then I carried it across a parking lot and down a hallway. It had been fine when I left home that morning.

I thought I saw someone else with damage in the same area that appeared to be caused by the same thing. I wonder how common cracks are in that area.

Even some of the most popular older palmtops, the MS-DOS based HP LX series have issues with case cracking, so the Pandora is on good company with this issue. Mine is still fine, probably because it spends so much time sitting open in a metal environmental case.
I noticed a crack on my ReBirth's lid a few days ago, seemingly out of nowhere but maybe I bumped it on something. Nothing lasts forever, and minor scrapes like this can be liberating since you don't have to worry about keeping something in perfect shape anymore :)



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I dunno...maybe you did bump it on something. It seems to me that some of the cases crack on their own. I won't be replacing mine with anything other than another case from ED (if absolutely needed) since I won't keep wishing for a metal one, and probably can't afford it atm. I will just keep rocking my slightly beat up case, and glue or patch it if needed unless the thing starts to crumble apart. It took a while but I also eventually accepted that it won't look like it did on the first day forever no matter how I try to protect it. I should just scrape it with a knife a bit and get it over with.

I would like to hear more about the golden printed case we have another thread for.
Which piece, and what area? Mine cracked along the side of the screen, near the tab, on the outer lid piece. It looked like the tab had somehow pushed that area out. It may be possible, as I did carry it daily at the time, but it was surrounded by foam in a Pelican case and only spent a little while in a car, then I carried it across a parking lot and down a hallway. It had been fine when I left home that morning.

I thought I saw someone else with damage in the same area that appeared to be caused by the same thing. I wonder how common cracks are in that area.

Even some of the most popular older palmtops, the MS-DOS based HP LX series have issues with case cracking, so the Pandora is on good company with this issue. Mine is still fine, probably because it spends so much time sitting open in a metal environmental case.

i think it's pretty much located at the same area as on my pandy. so there is kinda proof that the case can spontaniously selfcrack. i read it has todo with the mouldcompany not cooling down the plastic correctly/slowly enough, so there might be some 'inner force' doing nasty things. ;)
i'm so glad the pyra gets that tough wellmoulded new case without any added painting like on the pandora one. (wich lead to even more force on the connected parts)
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I've seen pictures of this gold printed case. Eh... I'm not a fan.

I'd be very interested if somebody can make a custom matte black casing for the Pandora though.
I've seen pictures of this gold printed case. Eh... I'm not a fan.

I'd be very interested if somebody can make a custom matte black casing for the Pandora though.
The color isn't what interests me. Everything else (printed case, modding, seeing what people here are doing with their Pandoras) is why I was paying attention to it.