Reordering Update

I just wanted to pipe up and say that I just did the re-pre-order. They sent me an e-mail requesting the same amount in pounds as I had paid/was refunded, and it turned out to be $10 less than what i had been refunded. So, after all was said and done, I ended up paying $10 less for the Pandora. Not saying that it will be the same for everybody, just that this is pretty much in line with what we've been told to expect.
It was a message from Google Checkout requesting a payment of 216.66 GBP (I stupidly got the expensive shipping). There was a link to pay through google checkout, and the address for Open Pandora Ltd., and my order number. That's pretty much it. I paid, got a confirmation from google, then one from Jacquelyn saying that they got the payment. There's not much to say, the whole thing took about 1 minute. Message below:

Hello Emil,

Open Pandora Ltd has requested a payment of £216.66 from you through Google Checkout.

Message from Open Pandora Ltd :
This is to re-order your Pandora console - order number :GXX______ by credit/debit card. Thanks, OpenPandora Ltd

Payment for:

Pay now through Google Checkout - £216.66
Ah, ok :) So actually they say how much you have to pay. It sounded a little different to me in the other post, thanks for clarifying :)
I was under the impression you could modify your order when re-pre-ordering, this suggests you are just reviving the original as it was.
You could contact them when you get the link and ask them if you can change it, or you could contact them now with your order number and ask. I just didn't want to rock the boat too much. =)
From Jacqueline regarding re pre-ordering:

"You will receive an email within the next few days."

:D :P :) :blink: :lol: :o :ph34r: B)
Yup, I got my re-pre-order e-mail earlier this morning with the Google Checkout link (I was one of those that got caught up with the whole PayPal thing way back in the beginning, so it feels good to finally have my order paid for) :)
Azure said:
Yup, I got my re-pre-order e-mail earlier this morning with the Google Checkout link (I was one of those that got caught up with the whole PayPal thing way back in the beginning, so it feels good to finally have my order paid for) :)
I got caught up in the PayPal problem myself
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Looking forward too CC ordering coming up....
But Im still gonna hold off till I've seen a finished one, seems a bit silly to wait all this time and then reorder before seeing the damn thing :D

Wonder how long till the first Pandora shows up on Ebay? lol
Well, it makes sense to get all the US CC orders done first since the $ is running high at the moment...
[11:19pm] aleij:
in order to confirm i got my refund, i need to find out to whom i did the payment, openpandora ltd doent appear in the bank infos i got... argg
[11:20pm] aleij:
this stupid issue
[11:20pm] aleij:
anyone knows the name of the bank that was in charge of the credit card payments ?
[11:21pm] DJWillis:
Hmm, HSBC? what do you have on your statement, GBAX anything?
[11:23pm] aleij:
i need to send this to the person who owns the card, tx
[11:23pm] aleij:
will see if any of those 2 appears
[11:27pm] DJWillis:
Sorry I can't help more
[11:27pm] BitWraith:
aleij, which website did you order from?
[11:28pm] aleij:
[11:28pm] aleij:
since swtzerland was not listed
[11:32pm] BitWraith:
was that ?
[11:33pm] aleij:
cant remember
[11:38pm] aleij:
my emails just say via Protx
[11:59pm] johnx:
think UK was
[12:00am] johnx:
I know I ordered from and just re-ordered in British Pounds Sterling :)
[12:17am] aleij:
johnx: could you tell me who did the refund in your case?
[12:22am] johnx:
aleij, afraid not. don't have the credit card bill in reach right now
[12:24am] aleij:
thanks anyway
[12:25am] aleij:
will try the forums then..