GP32 Relationship Between Toolchain, Sdk And Compiler


Mar 9, 2005
Totnes, Devon, UK
As the topic suggests, can someone explain the relationship between the C++ Compiler, SDK and Toolchain in lay terms?


C++ is the language

The compiler turns the source into the executable

The toolchain is a set of 'tools' (whatever them might be...) is the compiler part of the toolchain ?

I have done some searching and haven't turned up much for the uninitiated.


OK so I've got a GCC based compiler in the form of DevKit ARM for OSX and I'm hunting an editor like DEV-C++ but for MAC.
Right on the money.

In C/C++ terms you've got..

Compiler (translate source to object code)
Linker (translate object code, multiple files, into executable or library)
Make (optional, rules for how to assemble executable from many files)
IDE (optional, dev environment, editor, etc, to make all easier)
--> together these are a toolchain

SDK is the specific things you build on top of for a given thing; ie: Windows SDK lets you build for Windows; GP32 SDK lets you build GP32. Theres mini SDK's to just add options to a platform, etc.

GP32, being no real commercial backing means most kits are both tools+sdk rolled into one.. unzip and go.

IDE being Integrated Development Environment: Basically a souped-up text editor which usually has a button/function that executes the compiler automatically. Often it is visual and lets you see parts of your code visually (such as function/object trees, or even forms when coding for a windowed operating system).

SDK being Software Development Kit: Basically a bunch of source code (or precompiled library without sourcecode) which provides function calls and other code specific to a certain platform. Note that an SDK could cover anything. For example, you can have a PDF SDK which provides functions to produce PDFs, or a windows SDK to provide functions to allow your ap to integrate/run on windows.