

May 12, 2003
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I've heard many horror stories from people trying to register their GP32 with Gamepark once they get the unit. Is it really that much of a pain?
hmm wasnt hard for me... it was a thing done in 5 min:
Goto English Gamepark
Make Account
Download: USB Driver, Gp32 authenticatio program, and USB Link
Plugin Gp32, install PC Driver
Start Authentication Prog, insert Login name and password, press submit (gp32 must be connected)
Download Freelauncher from gamepark
Install it with PCLINK
Have fun with your new Child :)

IS that hard...
like i said above, it took me 5 min or so
There are two problems: 1) Sometimes gamepark's servers aren't working correctly and 2) Sometimes people just don't read things thoroughly and/or make sense of what they read.

I registered just fine, this was before there were FAQs everywhere... its not that difficult, but it isn't as easy as it should be. But, if the server is down, your choice is to wait or go onto IRC and register that way (I think there is a FAQ for this somewhere). Best thing to do, in my opinion, is read up ahead of time so you aren't all excited and in a hurry and THEN trying to figure it out!

Edit: Also, see the post above for some details on the process :). You can create a login and download the USB drivers and PC-Link application PRIOR to having your GP32. After you get your GP32 then all you need to do is get it hooked up to your PC w/ the USB drivers and then you can register the GP32 and download freelauncher.