Recyclable Cradle Mod

cool man!

does the job nicely by the looks of things, keeps things a lot tidier. if i could actually get hold of a dev-bob i'd probably do a similar sort of thing.
techFreak said:
I made a Recyclable Cradle. :P If you are bored of waiting for GPH's Cradle to come out you can make your own. It's suprisingly functional with it's built-in cable storage space. :D

I don't have time to arrange the pictures here but here's the link: It's in Turkish but the pictures will tell you the story.

Brilliant, now I want to make one out of a box like this:

I like the idea, but to implement it in a sturdier format with a custom made Break-out board.

I am able to make the EXT adaptors, but so far the interface is too delicate to use, if included in a box it would be great.

Here is a Google sketchup version of the box, with a flat piece of metal riveted or screwed to the sides and then the EXT connector stripped of its metal locking tabs is connected solidly to the bar.


Large Version (Google Web-Album)

There are all sizes of these and you could add batteries to run the GP2X and USB host devices and internal HDDs or anything. You could attach this box to an LCD TV and have an instant portable game/movie system with N64 SNES or PSX pad ports in it courtesy of .
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I'm heading down to London mid-week for a two day meeting and figured I'd watch some movies while there, which I don't normally use it for - and I hate having to 'hold' something while watching movies, so I figured I'd make my own 'stand' for mine tonight


It was somewhat simple to make from the following materials


I have to concede though that after looking at the link from the first post in this topic, my efforts don't seem quite so elegant anymore :lol:
Thecko said:
I have to concede though that after looking at the link from the first post in this topic, my efforts don't seem quite so elegant anymore :lol:
Elegant? The Microsoft mouse spoils the atmos :)
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Goob said:
Elegant? The Microsoft mouse spoils the atmos :)
lol - very true! I just need to find a dab of hot glue (and a glue gun) somewhere to make that rubber stick to the coat hanger properly and then I should be sorted! maybe glue on a couple of strut pieces to make sure it doesn't loose it's shape and weaken :)
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im still perplexed by the fascination of a bob/cradle...isnt the whole point that it's portable/handheld, or have i missed something?
ninja sauce said:
im still perplexed by the fascination of a bob/cradle...isnt the whole point that it's portable/handheld, or have i missed something?
I'm so glad someone else is thinking the same as me. I've got a PC full of emulators if I want to play on the TV...
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danny_galaga said:
Blah said:
I know this has been said before, but:

Turn the battery cover over and reinsert. Instant stand.

i dont get it. pics?

You don't need to turn it around (if you do, it won't work - or it doesn't on my Mk2, just falls over!) - get the battery cover to clip in to the top but don't slide it on, it'll support it but I don't like doing it, only takes a slight knock and it'd fall over.
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Blah said:
I know this has been said before, but:

Turn the battery cover over and reinsert. Instant stand.
Gettin' quite off topic, but I tried it, works nice :D
Maybe not good for bouncy bus trips.
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ninja sauce said:
im still perplexed by the fascination of a bob/cradle...isnt the whole point that it's portable/handheld, or have i missed something?
Well the USB breakout cables like to be used with USB devices, as you are holding the USB devices you can't hold the GP2X, thus the concept of a stand is born.

I would really like to see the hack-a-day internal USB mod turned into something a little more professional and added as an option.

It is basically a real USB port next to the SD slot, you could use a Targus Mini-mouse on the move without a BoB/cradle that way.

The real problem as I see it is that the EXT is not sturdy and the plastic makes a big lever to possibly break it off with, so a cradle adds to the strength, the "developer" version is really bad because it uses 2 of the EXT connectors.

Internal USB, a D-Pad (or at least a real 4-way stick) and a few tweaks could have been put in with the MK2 Revision, BAD GPH. The video could come out the top via a Camcorder/Ipod/portable DVD style A/V connector, the EXT doesn't even need to be used except for a dock and Jtag/Serial communications.
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I think hes talking about this... :D

well, ill be! i thought thats what was implied but since nothing 'clips' in i figured i musta been missing something. it really works well!
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