rechargeable batteries


Feb 16, 2003
I was wondering if you could use any AA rechargeable batteries? I just got some NiMH 1850 mAh 1.2v batteries. Do those work for the GP32? Thanks for your help. Oh, and if those don't work, which kind do?
1850 mah batteries will certainly be ok. The higher they are, the better it is ! I just bought 2200 mah batteries but had no chance to test them yet. Should last forever :)

They work absolutely fine, though as said above, the higher the mAh, the longer the life. I dont notice any difference in life between my 2000mAh batteries and good alkalines.... If anything, they're a bit longer-lived...

Oh, and on the 1.2v verses 1.5 volt debate - there was a long thread about this about a month ago, and an electronics graduate said it'd be perfectly okay to use them, and so far no one has noticed any ill-effects.

Axeman posted on May 17 2003 said:
They work absolutely fine, though as said above, the higher the mAh, the longer the life. I dont notice any difference in life between my 2000mAh batteries and good alkalines.... If anything, they're a bit longer-lived...
I bought 2 pairs of 2100 mAh NiMH batteries 2 week ago, and I have yet to recharge the 1st pair for the 1st time, so they work really fine.

Just don't use regular carbon zinc batteries. I tried them, and they drained within minutes rather than hours and became really hot, esp. with 132 MHz programs like Frodo.
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I'm looking into buying some rechargables. I've found this for cheap:

Ni-Mh RH6/AA 1.2V 1200mAh

Is 1200mAh too little? I mean, it's OK to me if it only lasts two-four hours or so when running 133MHz, but if it is more like 15-30 minutes, then I'll have to look for something else.
Sdw posted on May 18 2003 said:
Is 1200mAh too little? I mean, it's OK to me if it only lasts two-four hours or so when running 133MHz, but if it is more like 15-30 minutes, then I'll have to look for something else.
The more the better, but if you can get them really cheap, then go for it. Remember that the usual capacity some years ago was around 600mAh, so this is still quite good.
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Yeah, I have some and I just put them in my Gp32 for the first time today. They are 1850mAh and I bought two AA with the charger for $18 at the BX, which is Base Exchange on military bases. I like them so far. I like the idea of being able to recharge them instead of buying new ones all the time.
aharding posted on May 18 2003 said:
How much life do you get out of a standard pair of batteries in this thing?

I thought it was like 9 hours :o
it seems to differ for different units as far as i can tell. i get about 4 hours. but then again i have only got 800 mah rechargables. (although at the moment i have lithium none rechargeables-damn me not reading the box properly :angry: theyve lasted like 5 hours already )
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I dunno about anyone else, but I use NiMh 1800 batteries. I have received about 15 hours+ of playtime so far, (I am still using the same charge right now)

Of course I am not really using anything that will drain the battery faster. I have used these batteries with the GPengine Emu and I get about 10 hours out of it.

As far as MP3 playing goes...the player does work great (for me) I get details and titles on my Mp3 player. Check out the new official Mp3 player may work better (haven't tried it yet).
I don't know how the Gp32 emu Mp3 player is (never use it)....but the player works for me on the unit Gp32. The gp32 emu is definitely not consistent with the units functional ability. I know that for a fact.
I am sure an Ipod is better because it is a dedicated unit. BUT considering I don't need to carry a GBA, Ipod, PDA, and portable movieplayer with me, I am pretty content with my GP32.
no multi-tasking (games and music). but I know there is a program out there that allows you to read an e book and listen to music at the same time. (I am sorry I don't remember the name of it though.) The GP32's cpu is loyal to either one program or another. I don't believe it really has the power to run 2 programs at once. In fact, I don't know of any portable entertainment game system that can do that (thus far). Hey you never know, maybe someday an emulator will be created to allow you to game while listening to your favorite tune. Ya never know.
Like I mentioned earlier, the Ipod is a dedicated unit to do just as it was programed to do. Its obvious it has more and better features than the Gp32 player. Again, the difference between purchasing a Gp32 and a Ipod is purely personal opinion. I ll stick with my choice. hehehe...good luck aharding
ahem, apparently the new offical mp3 has playlists

no it can't multitask but can an i-pod? which is cheaper :P? and also which has a vibrant community? :D