Rebuilding the actual HF6's kernel.

Ok, seems almost all wifi modules are ok, i just get a

wl1251: ERROR could not get firmware: -2

I checked, it's at the good place in /lib/firmware
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Yup, i did.

This is the script i wrote and used :


cd pandora-wifi/

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp compat/*.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp net/mac80211/*.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp net/wireless/*.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp net/rfkill/*.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1251.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1251_sdio.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko

cp udev/50-compat_firmware.rules /media/OS/lib/udev/rules.d/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/udev/rules.d/50-compat_firmware.rules

cp udev/ /media/OS/lib/udev/rules.d/

chmod 0755 /media/OS/lib/udev/rules.d/

# some bonus not wl1251 related drivers

cp drivers/net/wireless/at76c50x-usb.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/*.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko

mkdir -p /media/OS/lib/modules/

cp drivers/net/wireless/p54/*.ko /media/OS/lib/modules/

chmod 0644 /media/OS/lib/modules/*.ko
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Rofl, when using the defconfig from the pandora-firmware, i got a ' preempt mod_unload ARMv7 ' should be ' mod_unload modversions ARMv7 '

Approx the same message with the OP's config.gz.

Only my custom kernel can load wifi modules. Not the firmware.

---EDIT :

Seems this is linked to modules folder's name.
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Already played a lot with RAID.

I also gained ~4/5 seconds at boot.

My bluetooth mouse has a lower latency and is pretty pleasant to use.

Have UTF-8.

More filesystems support.


Oh and the wiki's crappy kernel build instructions will be updated.
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Sounds good. :) How is the NTFS Support?

But there is no UTF-8 as default on the current OS? Hm, I really thought everything in there is already UTF-8 ^^"
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The message with the OP's config.gz is :

' preempt mod_unload ARMv7 ' should be ' mod_unload modversions ARMv7 '

---EDIT :

As far as i understand, the wifi-modules are compiled for a preemptible kernel.

Trying again things, here and there, as long as i don't run out of patience.

---EDIT :

I hope wifi modules building doesn't rely on pandora-kernel ?

---EDIT :

Omg i'm such a naab, of course, i wrote a script i should have known :(

---EDIT :

Ok, solved the bad modules problem.

Unfortunately, even with original and firmware .configs the firmware loading problem stays the same :/

---EDIT :

Just noticed that 50-compat_firmware.rules from the official OP rootfs and the git aren't the same !
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The udev rules must NOT be copied from the /pandora-wifi/udev

Will see now if the realtek dongle is working.
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Dongle not working.

So, last question (i hope) :

How to build external wifi modules ?
There is no universal way, depends on the driver in question. Usually you need to edit the module's Makefile to point to pandora's kernel tree (instead of /lib/modules/<version>/build/ which would build for your host) and it should build.
Is it the way the HF6 extra modules are built ?

I mean it's not part of the git repo ? They were added "by hand" ?

BTW i've updated the wiki.
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Trying compile with :

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/angstrom/arm/bin/

export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-

make clean

make ARCH=arm KLIB=../pandora-kernel KLIB_BUILD=../pandora-kerne

lFailing because it tries to compile with my host source.

Tried to use KSOURCE=... but without success :/

---EDIT :

Ans seems 8192u needs a patch ?
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Worked ! Thanks - again ^^.

Will test the unpatched now on my different kernels.

I don't know where to grab the patch...
Hi again.

Can't launch Quake* or N64 emulation with kernels i recompiled.

ED told me there's a 3D driver which is needed.
The instructions on the wiki are outdated. After the second step,

git checkout --track -b pandora-27-omap1 origin/pandora-27-omap1

I get the following errors:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.