Reading Is Fun.

Sphinxter said:
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
It's a pretty good book, but overrated IMHO. Very confusing chronology, although it does improve towards the end.
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When I feel like reading I turn on the closed caption on my TV. Kind of a moving picture book experience. It's actually amusing with dubbed movies as the subtitles rarely match the voice over.
At Ganepark32: I can read Nietzsche in German though which is easier I would guess language wise. Don't want to read English authors in German though, cause it's good practice and because I believe that the original is always the best.

If you like Hemmingway, read some Dürrenmatt or Charles Bukowski! I love them, also very surrealistic if you are into that kinda thing.

Thanks for the tip on the old man and the sea... I always wanted to read it and I think I will now.

@DCGM: I will look into the books you recommended. Cheers!
nickspoon said:
Sphinxter said:
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
It's a pretty good book, but overrated IMHO. Very confusing chronology, although it does improve towards the end.

It's the irony and patterns it demonstrates such as moving the red line, the leapage gun etc, you find yourself recognizing later in life that make it rather a bit of a primer really.
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A Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Pappillon - Henri Charriere
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
Green Mile - Stephen King
The Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
Life, The Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish - Douglas Adams
Mostly Harmless - Douglas Adams
@ Nova - I agree with all of that list apart from Lord of The Flies. When I read it, I just didn't like it. Just couldn't get into it. But I agree with the other ones listed.

@ DCGM - Thank you for reminding me about that. Always been meaning to read that and totally forgot about it until you mentioned it.

Also, Heart of Darkness is a fantastic read by Joseph Conrad (think that's the author).

Alternatively, if you do enjoy poetry just ask and I can recommend some truly fantastic stuff.
Now reading : papillon by henri charriere.

Also: YesMan, by Danny wallace. It's fucking hilarious.
xnopasaranx said:
Okay Goity: STFU! And stop watching porn while you are posting on this board...

I recommend "Lucky You!" by Carl Hiaasen... hilarious novel. Both comical and intelligent.
If you are at it, go read everything Robert Anton Wilson ever wrote! DO IT NOW! I really recommend for everyone to pick up "Illuminatus!". Best SciFi book ever. Involving everything from heavy drug abuse, raunchy sex scenes, violent shootouts to politics, philosophy and spirituality. He also wrote "Schroedinger's Cat" which is also very good.

If you want to read something more serious, check out some classics! Hermann Hesse's "Siddharta" is a very great novel. Pretty much all about the search for the inner self and happiness. Very fine read!

Right now I am still biting my teeth out on James Joyce Ulysses. Damn... not too easy to follow if you are not a native English speaker.
Haha - I forgot to mention that Cleopatra's Carpet is some kid's book i found in the library. Pretty much every line has terrible innuendo in it.
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I mostly read sci-fi. Finally got around to reading The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein. I'm a big fan of him and that was definitely among his best work. I also just read Manifold: Time by Stephen Baxter. Excellent book, very, very heavy on the science part of "science fiction". And I just finished The Android's Dream by John Scalzi last night. He's a little overhyped, but everything else he's done so far has been pretty solid (if not the second coming of sci-fi's Golden Age) and this was also worthwhile. I didn't care much for the ending, though.

Not sure what I'm going to read next, probably The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks. The Culture novels were awesome and even though this isn't part of that series, my expectations are similarly high.
Ravnos said:
I mostly read sci-fi. Finally got around to reading The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein. I'm a big fan of him and that was definitely among his best work.
Heinlein is one of my favorite authors. The Number of the Beast is my personal favorite although I still have a few to read.
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PlopperZ said:
1984 by Orwell
A great book, I'm still not quite finished on that one. animal farm was good too, if not a bit simple.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
pandora said:
PlopperZ said:
1984 by Orwell
A great book, I'm still not quite finished on that one. animal farm was good too, if not a bit simple.

The beauty of Animal Farm is its simplicity. Underneath it lies a very dark theme.

It's true. Orwell has a knack for writing very simple-looking stories with incredible undertone. If you read it and thought it 'a bit simple' then you didn't understand the true meaning of everything that occurs in it properly.
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I read Animal Farm and 1984 a few years back, excellent books! I also recommend The Idiot and Crime and Punishment, both by Fyodor Dostoevsky (and obviously any other of his works). I should really put aside some reading time, it's been almost two years since I read a book, shame :(
Alex. said:
I read Animal Farm and 1984 a few years back, excellent books! I also recommend The Idiot and Crime and Punishment, both by Fyodor Dostoevsky (and obviously any other of his works). I should really put aside some reading time, it's been almost two years since I read a book, shame :(
Last book I read was Animal Farm, and that was ~ 2 years ago :(. I'm just too lazy to sit and read.

Damn technology.
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Now reading... Harry potter à l'école des sorciers.

Reading in another language is hard :(
Deleted User said:
Now reading... Harry potter à l'école des sorciers.

Reading in another language is hard :(
If you're going to read a book in French, at least read one that was originally written in French. It makes no sense to read a translated English novel in French when there are quite a lot of good French novels.
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