greendots said: has a nice interface and its web code is licensed under gpl. It could be perfect for the pandora.
I used that site for inspiration for the PND Manager; go check it out if you haven't.
Also, I don't know what all this fuss is about regarding how installs/updates will happen...
Let's say there's a repository somewhere, that contains PND packages. The repository has a standardized structure so that many different tools can read from it.
Now, I've created the PND Manager, which allows you to *add and remove* things from that *repository*; it's the developer-side interface to the repository. I have also added an online browser for that repository, to allow users to download packages. That's an online user-side interface for the repository, and it's similar to getdeb. The PND Manager will also serve packages for you in an efficient way, so it takes care of logistics too.
So, basically, with the PND Manager, everything is covered when it comes to the server side of things.
Then, someone can write a library for the Pandora, that will download the list of packages that a repository contains (because there's such a list; a list of package names, versions, descriptions, etc) and perform various actions based on that list. So, you can have a local package installer for downloading packages, because you have a list of all packages available with URLs so it's not a problem. Or you can have an update tool, because you have the names and versions of all local packages (you scan folders, use libpnd to extract name info, and there you go) and the names and versions of remote packages (the downloaded list) so updates are easy to implement.
Then you write various user interfaces for that library and go wild.
So what's the problem? There's no reason to only have one interface, especially when adding a new one involves maybe 200 lines of code.