vultum stultum habes
OK... I think this spen83 guy must be some kind of Jekyll-and-Hyde person. Comments on KuruKuru2X:

This comment is perfectly fine - opinion on the game, and a little constructive criticism. (by the way, if spen86 is reading this, I'd like to inform him that the pixel jumps are because of the minor inaccuracies you get with an integer-only engine)spen83 said:This game is outstanding. The collision detection could do with fine-tuning though and the main stick sprite jumps a few pixels to the right as it completes its turn animation because it is not centred correctly. Apart from these minor gripes this is phenomenal.
Um... (actually, the game was designed to be infuriatingly difficult, I'm glad others think so)spen83 said:Yes it's impossibly difficult compared to the original version which was playable. Rumour has it, nickspoon devised this game to put people off games and thus generate a new generation of disillusioned gamers who will then turn to programming in despair and consequently make the platform strong. All this comes from poor collision detection. Genius.
spen83 said:Don't use @ - it makes you a tw@ ! Talk TO people not @ them !
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