Here are about 20 pics I just took. I wish I had time to play with it right now but I've got to finish up a 12 page essay! At least I'll have a reward waiting when I do heh.
The pics are great and make me yearn for my 2x even more right now. I know how you feel about getting through a bunch of work though first, I just finished the rough draft of a 10 page essay, I have one more of those to write in 2 weeks and on top of those I have a giant C++ program to write for school too. Oh well, the semester will soon be over and I'll have a month to get to know the 2x
I just finished all of my work for school, and finals are next week . This weekend when I go home I will hopefully find my GP2X waiting for me. Well I will probably end up skipping out of the studying, but it'll be just the thing to relieve the stress between exams.