Rage2x - Empty Rage2.cfg File


Coding " Abduction;Retrieval "
Jun 14, 2006
Southern England

Hope someone can shed light on my problem.. :unsure:
Have done a search and not found anyone else with this problem.

Have the latest gngeo2x (0.7) and rage2x (0-8-8) and SD card is FAT32 (with 269Mb free) - all folders are writable.

If I delete the rage2.cfg file or it's missing (as initial install) and I startup rage2x, there are many playable (green) games listed..
I now hit select and enable sound, reload gui, etc and 'save all settings'.
I can now play a (green) game.

Now when I run rage2x later after exiting, all games are red, cpu speed is 0MHz and other options I have set aren't any more.. When I look at the SD via my PC card reader, the rage2x.cfg file is 0 bytes.

Any idea where I'm going wrong?

I can play (many/most) games fine via gngeo directly and they also work the first time when the games are listed as green.

Seems to me the rage2x.cfg is being created but nothing is actually being written to it.

Any ideas before I give up on rage2x (which I don't want to do)?


Sorry, you are the first with this pb! :(

Something corrupt the cfg file which content all information like ROMS PATH that why when cfg is at 0byte you have all in red.

Do you run all in SD or do you use samba and a shared folder ?
JyCet posted on Sep 3 2006 at 07:22 PM said:
Sorry, you are the first with this pb! :(

Something corrupt the cfg file which content all information like ROMS PATH that why when cfg is at 0byte you have all in red.

Do you run all in SD or do you use samba and a shared folder ?
All in SD.. typical for me to have a unique problem :)
The fact that it creates the file and then doesn't actually write anything in it is very strange.
I will try a reinstall of rage2x, just in case it's a corrupt install.

Thanks for the speedy reply - rage2x looks great and I'm hopeful I can use it!

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Have tried reinstalling and moving the folder from /mnt/sd/emulators/neogeo to /mnt/cd/neogeo - same problem.. :(
Here's a list of what's in the dir..:
 Directory of M:\NeoGeo

05/07/2006  20:54	<DIR>		  .
05/07/2006  20:54	<DIR>		  ..
01/01/1980  00:00				 0 rage2x.cfg
29/08/2006  19:38			53,803 fondo.png
29/08/2006  19:30		 1,634,944 gngeo
29/08/2006  19:31				83 gngeo2x.gpe
29/08/2006  19:31		   219,896 selector
01/01/1980  00:00	<DIR>		  save
05/07/2006  20:57	<DIR>		  romrc.d
01/01/1980  00:00	<DIR>		  conf
06/07/2006  13:26	<DIR>		  skin
29/08/2006  19:30			 1,720 mmuhack.o
30/08/2006  22:35			   571 gngeo2x_config
01/06/2006  23:25			10,518 rage2x.dat
17/06/2006  11:59		   719,004 rage2x.gpe
10/06/2006  17:08			 6,764 rage2x.lng
02/03/2006  22:20			 1,010 rage2x.png
01/09/2006  06:52	<DIR>		  roms
17/06/2006  23:06			 7,115 INFO.TXT
			  12 File(s)	  2,655,428 bytes
			   7 Dir(s)	 625,123,328 bytes free

...does that look okay? (apart from the 0 byte rage2.cfg).
Very close to giving up :(


Could the gp2x have trouble writing to an SD card??
Most files are written onto it via my PC...

Have just tried with another (slow kingmax) SD card and.. it works in a folder /mnt/cd/ng
Now that's great(ish) - why can it not write to the SANDISK (faster) one though :(
Will do more investigation, but guess it's a hardware issue - gp2x incompatible with my sandisk SD - unlikely I guess..
subcon959 posted on Sep 4 2006 at 06:59 PM said:
It could be a fake SanDisk.. there are loads floating around.
Bought from 7 day shop.. I hope not - no way to tell without prising it apart I guess..
It's def faster than the kingmax one (bought same time from same place).

Am dumping everything off both SDs onto my laptop and will reformat them and try again on both SDs; that could help I guess...

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You can call them up (0207-3654-193) and they will gladly verify the serial number, on the back of the card, for you.

You're right though, a reformat might just do the trick.