R with GUI

great so to install packages you need to create a writable directory so make a directory in your home folder call R-libs say-

mkdir ~/R-libs
then in your .profile add this line:

export R-LIBS=/full home path to/R-libs
then in R

check that your newly made directory is seen by R using this command:

finally install your package:

install.packages("name of your package", lib="/full path to/R-libs")
Yes, but substitute  /media/<SD-cardname>/pandora/appdata/R/... for ~, so that the data ends up on the SD, not on the NAND.

...or whatever the appdata dir for R is called :)
Well, unless I remember completely wrong, I think the latest pnd-libs redirects reads/writes to or from ~ to go to the appdata dir, so I think the app might be bothered even if you're not :D
V3.0.1.4 will be going up shortly. I have failed to break this version despite a really concerted effort - which probably means peelie will break it in 5 minutes. All NLP packages test loaded - no issues. I can do little more beyond test loading these. Java management works as it should. Font path management has also been made slightly more robust and is fully tested. All in all, I think this is finally the stable, working version...for now.....
Well, unless I remember completely wrong, I think the latest pnd-libs redirects reads/writes to or from ~ to go to the appdata dir, so I think the app might be bothered even if you're not :D
okay, maybe thats why only full paths seem to work then? as otherwise putting ~/R-libs points to the mounted utmp directory?
Recreating the conditions under which I get shiny to load has been, err, tricky. I tested this to death yesterday evening with no issues every time. I come back this morning and find your message  :(

So you don't think I'm going bananas:



However, to get shiny lo load, I had to do something very odd.

All of my projects, live in a sub directory called projects on a development SD. As each one is completed, its sub directory project is moved into another sub directory called completed, which is within projects. If I need to work on a project, I move the appropriate project directory back to the projects directory. This approach is simply for organisation. All testing yesterday evening was done with the R project in projects (not completed), but only running from the pnd.

Once the updated pnd was uploaded, I moved the R project into the completed sub directory - as normal. HOWEVER, as a result of moving the project into the completed sub directory, I now find shiny will not load. Move the R project back, and bingo  :blink:

Bear in mind here that I'm not actually running anything from the projects folder - well, not intentionally anyway. So where to now? Well, It looks like that when shiny was installed, a path was written - somewhere, that references the actual location of R whilst I was working on it. This was something I thought could happen, so when I work on R, I work through a sym link in /mnt/utmp/R - which points to the pnd sub directory. To all intents and purposes, I expected this sym link approach to negate problems like this. Clearly something has confounded this approach. I'll do some digging inside the shiny package and see if I can find the reference to the path........
No luck on tracking down the path.

However, a cunning plan has been hatched. I going to uninstall shiny from the base image, re-package the result and try to install shiny to a user defined library directly from the pnd. SInce all of shiny's dependencies should remain in place, it should just be the shiny package that gets installed (which doesn't require compilation) - and I'll make sure R cannot 'see' anything in the projects directory. Hopefully, this approach will force R to use the contents of the PND as they are really presented - and not go off somewhere else to find its shared libraries.

I'll be dammed if I'm going to let this defeat me without a fight. :angry:
BIngo!  :D

Question is, will peelie "break it" again??? will go up later this evening. Certainly, shiny now loads completely independently of my R project, codeblocks  - and the kitchen sink. And that's about as much as I can do.

An obscure posting from 2007 in the R-help mailing list provided the solution - and it did turn out to be the "red herring" LD_LIBRARY_PATH! Im not sure how useful shiny will be, or what peelie's intentions are for it.......
whay nice one shiny loads fine :)

there is a typo on the java mounting message- monted :)

i have no idea how i will use shiny yet :)