Quick Currency Question

The Moose

Nov 11, 2003
129.99 euros = about 158 us dollars, right?

135 euros = about 164 dollars, right?

Im only asking because I know the exchange rate changes so much, and I just wanted to be accurate. (and yes, i used www.xe.com to find these numbers, id just like a verification.) THANKS!!!
Axeman posted on Jul 1 2004 at 07:17 PM said:
beat me to it :)

full url is http://www.xe.com/ucc

I use that bloody thing constantly
He Already said that he Use's Xe..

Jeez people need to read More ;) :lol: :D :P Just Joking :D hehe...


Yup, Xe is Probably the Exact (Or closest you will get) current conversion... Its a pain cos I convert $ to £ with XE and it says For Example £26, but when I goto pay for the item with PayPal it converts it and says £27 :( hehe..
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