Question About Snes Sound


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2007
Hello all,
Playing FF6 in the train is for me a real pleasure, a kind of salvation. I use DrPocketSNES

Everything runs fine, really I'm 100% satisfied with the SNES emulation here, but I found something strange.

Sound was working. Once I turned it off, and saved the game state. Now when I load the game state and turn the sound on, it doesn't work anymore. But if I reset the game, it works :blink:
It's like if the fact of turning off the sound was irreversible once you saved and loaded the game state.
I tested this on several games.

I understand that the gamestate doesn't save the state of the music player if the sound is disabled, but when a new music is played (for example when you pass a level in mario), why does the music not start again ?

If I want to hear the nice FF6 music, my only choice is to start the game from the beginning... :-p !

Thanks for reading,

PS : maybe are the states files compatible with others emulators ?
From what I remember the SNES sound chip stores the song in 64kB of RAM. When you save a state, this RAM would be saved, but if you turn the sound off... this RAM doesn't hold any music, so saving it's contents causes the behaviour you describe.
Solution is to create a normal in game save and start from that rather than the save state.
Me aslo found Snes FF6 sounds "funny" in new version of pocketsneses
Some strange instrument distortions to be
Indeed the SNES's SPC700 works in a very 'disconnected' fashion from the rest of the system. (its self-contained really)

However the emulator SHOULD store the complete state of the WHOLE system including sub-processors.

Also the SPC700 is very often emulated inaccurately, DrPocketSNES is no exception. (Although its SNES9X code base is usually very good at accurate sound, early Squaresoft games did strange things to the SPC)

Try a different emulator?
If it works when you reset then you should try making a save ingame, resetting, and loading that to get sound back.
I think the issue is that in DrPocket "Sound OFF" stops emulating the sound completely, so you now have an SNES without the sound hardware, and a save state is going to preserve that.

Like Exophase says you have to use an in-game save, choose "save SRAM", then exit DPS or reset the game, and load that.
rokdcasbah said:
Like Exophase says you have to use an in-game save, choose "save SRAM", then exit DPS or reset the game, and load that.
You guys are so clever :)
Indeed, it works !
Thanks a lot !

PS : and yes, the music seems to be distorted, but it's still worth it ;-)
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In the last versions of PocketSnes there are 2 launchers, one is faster but has more inaccurate sound.The other is like 5 frames worse but it is suppossed to have accuraccy sound.

Try the no fast one.

Soon, Headoverheels will release a new pocketsnes version with Stereo Sound :)
SRAM is the way to go with RPGs; trying to get the Save State thingy to save all that data in a few seconds accurately is too much to ask. Just save your game legitimately a lot, and back it up with a save state when you actually quite the program.
This emulator sucks it has very low sound can it be louder, it's so low you can just about hear it.
sukhigp said:
This emulator sucks
The right to make statements like that is generally reserved for people who are capable of coding a better emulator themselves (and even then it'd be very rude) - I doubt you're even capable of tying your own shoelaces.
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