Question About Quake 1


Still Fresh
Dec 22, 2008
Hey guys,

I was wondering, will there be an advanced quake engine that supports hl1 map and model support ported to the pandora any time soon???
One question mark would have been sufficient. What is this "advanced quake engine" with "hl1 map and model support" support which you speak of? Give us a link to a project site if you can, and refer to the portability flow chart in the future before making yet another topic.
Loonie said:
Are you basically asking if there will be HalfLife?

In a way, I am. Theres a mod called Perfect Dark Sector 6 for an advanced quake engine being writing for the PSP; sic team. Im just wondering, if a sort of engine that is already made would be ported to the pandora before/within release.

type lik dis - I havent posted anything on here in a decent amount of months so piss off.

edit: link to mod
Perfect Dark: Sector 6
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ninjamonkey said:

Fixed your link for you -- your link had an extra "http://" in it. ;)

This mod looks pretty neat! I'd be all for something like this running on the Pandora. IMO, the more FPS games on it, the better -- it'd just be a shame to have these wonderful, dual-analog controls, and not many FPS games.
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wermy said:
ninjamonkey said:

Fixed your link for you -- your link had an extra "http://" in it. ;)

This mod looks pretty neat! I'd be all for something like this running on the Pandora. IMO, the more FPS games on it, the better -- it'd just be a shame to have these wonderful, dual-analog controls, and not many FPS games.

Thanks; yea man that would be a shame if there werent many. The mod looks cool. PD: zero was awesome and Pefrect Dark seems cool never played it.
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What they wanna achieve looks cool. But it seems like they aren't that far into the project. I only saw some gun models and a quiet forum. Is there any more info?

In regards to Half Life, I know the the result of asking "will there be HL on Pandora?" results in cries of "NO!" and a rapid increase in the temperature around here :lol:

But would ReactOS be able to run HL and other x86 games/apps if it ever gets ported to ARM? I've read on their website that someone has successfully installed and run it, as well as Diablo 2 (demo) in the 0.3.4 release. Would an arm "port" still rely on qemu?
sold said:
But would ReactOS be able to run HL and other x86 games/apps if it ever gets ported to ARM? I've read on their website that someone has successfully installed and run it, as well as Diablo 2 (demo) in the 0.3.4 release. Would an arm "port" still rely on qemu?

You'd have the exact same problems trying to run x86 compiled binaries on an ARM, regardless of OS.
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Yes, Darkplaces will be ported because it is the Nexuiz engine. It is a very advanced game engine with Quake support.
Anyone know of any Unreal mods for Quake III? I always preferred Unreal Tournament to Quake III, and since UT isn't open source, it seems that's about as close as we could come, if such a thing exists. A quick google didn't turn anything up, though.

edit: sorry it's a bit OT.
typs lik dis said:

Hey, I just noticed the "will the software run ... with 128MB RAM". Isn't this out of date, or is there a running assumption that the software should be runnable on a 128MB RAM desktop computer in order to work on a 256MB RAM portable because swap is likely unavailable on the latter?
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Yeah, it's from before the RAM upgrade; no bizarre assumptions like that. I doubt anything requiring more memory than one has RAM would be very fun to use on any platform. The Pandora can use swap partitions like any other linux device, BTW; they'll just be wildly useless for anything but very gentle multitasking.