Beta Quake 1 (Zquake With Gles)


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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known issues:
dark, gamma does nothing
water warping doesnt work

create a appdata folder called quake1
create a folder in quake1 called id1
copy paks into id1
press escape to get to menu from console

Version 2:
compiled with neon flags (seems faster in slower spots)
added picklelauncher which enables selectable options for memory (def 32 mb), filter (def LML)

version 3
fixed picklelauncher to make it even easier, just launch and select the name of the game you want (this is launching based on directories)
if its not your first time running then you need to delete the profile.txt and config.txt and any .q1's from the appdata folder
Love it - excellent for an early port!

A couple of questions:

1. How do I mouselook with the nub? All I get is an SDL mouse pointer bombing around the screen.
2. Can I load the hipnotic/rogue mission packs? If so, how? The executable appears to be in a PND, and therefore unavailable.
3. Is there any texture filtering in this? Well, no there isn't - is there any way to turn it on?

Dunny said:
Love it - excellent for an early port!

A couple of questions:

1. How do I mouselook with the nub? All I get is an SDL mouse pointer bombing around the screen.
2. Can I load the hipnotic/rogue mission packs? If so, how? The executable appears to be in a PND, and therefore unavailable.
3. Is there any texture filtering in this? Well, no there isn't - is there any way to turn it on?


1. at the moment you can go into settings menu entry in xfce and set the right nub to joystick mode
2. working on a method with picklelauncher, should be ready in a few i hope
3. im setting it to linear mipmap linear
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Just tried it and it randomly freezes my pandora. Have to remove the battery to restart. (I am on HF5Beta4 at 600 mhz set in menu)
First time I crashed after I activated all 3 pushplates in level 1, 2nd time right in the first elevator.
IsSuE said:
Just tried it and it randomly freezes my pandora. Have to remove the battery to restart. (I am on HF5Beta4 at 600 mhz set in menu)
Did you first try doing a hard-reboot by holding the Pandora key and flicking the power switch to the right? Taking the battery out to restart isn't the best way...
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IsSuE said:
Just tried it and it randomly freezes my pandora. Have to remove the battery to restart. (I am on HF5Beta4 at 600 mhz set in menu)
First time I crashed after I activated all 3 pushplates in level 1, 2nd time right in the first elevator.

hmm hope it was a random occurrence, ive actually not had one freeze with this. I did have some momentary freezes when the wifi dropped out and reconnected.
maybe run at 500 and with wifi off.
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Pickle said:
IsSuE said:
Just tried it and it randomly freezes my pandora. Have to remove the battery to restart. (I am on HF5Beta4 at 600 mhz set in menu)
First time I crashed after I activated all 3 pushplates in level 1, 2nd time right in the first elevator.

hmm hope it was a random occurrence, ive actually not had one freeze with this. I did have some momentary freezes when the wifi dropped out and reconnected.
maybe run at 500 and with wifi off.

I've had freezes at random points so far - twice last night. Once at the end of E1M1, and then again when I was remapping the shoulders to strafe left/right. Completely locked up with looping sound buffer. Had to use the "hold pandora button and guess" method of killing it.

On the other hand, I got hipnotic and rogue working fine - just install to the appropriate folders in /pandora/appdata/quake1, and then mount the pnd with in the terminal and finally launch quake with the "-game x" parameter! Both run fine.

Not getting any texture filtering here at all, looks like DOS quake running at 800x480, with some awful shadowing/lighting glitches especially in E1M1 at the first "secret" section with the quad damage. Running HF5 beta.

Mouse support would be lovely, so I don't have to fart around switching nub modes ;-)

Edit: Yep, texture filtering is lovely! Thanks for that, and also for the launcher - I'll get some graphics for it whipped up when I wake up later today. Your method of running expansion packs is much nicer than mine :)

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ESN: I did not know about that keycombo, thanks!
pickle: just ran through the first two levels at 500 mhz and it worked well, thanks for the port! (had no wifi turned on yesterday aswell)
Dunny said:
Mouse support would be lovely, so I don't have to fart around switching nub modes ;-)
It wont be hard to add some code to switch the modes internally

Dunny said:
Yep, texture filtering is lovely! Thanks for that, and also for the launcher - I'll get some graphics for it whipped up when I wake up later today.
Great! Just to mention to you and anyone else this version of PL supports previews, so any png with the same name of the file id1.q1, id1.png can be loaded and shown.

Dunny said:
Your method of running expansion packs is much nicer than mine :)
Thanks but it was really a quick hack, the better way would to have an option to 'run' folders rather have to use the dummy files.
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Works pretty well, thanks!

Besides one lockup, the only problem I have is that when I change the keyboard controls, they are not remembered the next time I run it.
I have been seeing an occasional lockup, but ok for the most part. Still a lot more stable than the other versions i had.

PND is update to version 3, made some updates to the launcher, launches based on folders and doesnt need any special files, see intructions in the first post if its not your first time running.
I can't get past the pickelauncher screen...although the 'id1' folder is listed in picklelauncher and I copied in pak0.pak and pak1.pak from the original quake cd. No mouse so pressed enter on launcher screen hoping to start quake.......goes away for a moment and then returns to the launcher screen. Perhaps it is erroring, but where would I find the error. One other piece of info. I was trying to explore the opengls demos today and these also bombed out, perhaps my gles setup is not quite right?