Quake 1/2/3 Sdk

Svartalf said:
Laurent said:
I am not sure high res texture packs will fit in Pandora memory. Look at the file sizes:


Well of course not everything is loaded at once, but that looks frightening...

Heh... It all kind of depends on how much of the OS sits resident in the 128Mb and if we're going to do something resembling a swap on one of the SD's for the Pandora like the Nokia does with the "internal" MMC/SD. It might end up being tight with app and textures (depends on Quake's runtime size. Textures are loaded once into host texture memory and then reused time and time again... If Quake's too big, we might need swap space to cope with the game...)- but then again, it might not. I'd be a bit leery of trying something more nuts like making a wireless version of WoP happen- because it would be even heavier than that. ;)

the original quake ran on 8mb of memory, with 2mb vram, i think there's plenty of room for expansion. also, like laurent said, its easy enough to resize textures if needed.
if someone ports the quake engine, ill do the texture pack :)
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Gruso said:
Exophase said:
Why use WASD keys when there's a dpad just to the left of those?

Using a USB mouse with the Pandora is not at all feasible for a majority of the places where people would want to use a handheld.
Strictly for fanboy purist appeal. They're out there.
If you've done the input handling right, you can accomodate the whiners (J/K!! :D) purists by using Quake I/II/III's input mapping "bus" to handle the dpad keys or the keyboard ones... ;)
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I don't think that using the Pandora's WASD keys will be feasible. When FPSing on a PC, I use 3 fingers, one on W,A,D. I think that the pandora keyboard will be physically too small for this to be feasible. The DPad would be better. Either way, I expect I'll be using the Dual Analog controls for most of the time anyway.

I expect that if you really wanted to carry a mouse around with you, you could look for a flat mouse like the MoGo, but wired instead of bluetooth.
Have any of you seen the vid of Q3 on the iPod Touch? Q3A on iPod Touch Just seems kind of interesting that something that was originally designed to just be a mp3 player can handle Q3A, but then again the game requirements aren't that demanding.
Well, the iPhone (and iPod touch, too) seems to have a pretty awesome GPU that noone really ever talked about... those two really could become contenders in the handheld gaming business, especially with their motion sensors and touchscreens, riding on the Wii/DS's wave ^.^
Nilsiboy said:
Well, the iPhone (and iPod touch, too) seems to have a pretty awesome GPU that noone really ever talked about... those two really could become contenders in the handheld gaming business, especially with their motion sensors and touchscreens, riding on the Wii/DS's wave ^.^
The awesome GPU is a PowerVR MBX which is the previous generation of the SGX.
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Exophase said:
Gruso said:
There's no reason why classic FPS controls can't be used on the Pandora! WASD + right analogue stick as mouse (operated with fingertips instead of thumb). Or just use the keyboard in conjunction with a compact USB mouse.
Why use WASD keys when there's a dpad just to the left of those?

Using a USB mouse with the Pandora is not at all feasible for a majority of the places where people would want to use a handheld.

Oh, It's feasible... ;)


-God Ginrai
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Holokauston said:
God Ginrai said:
Oh, It's feasible... ;)


-God Ginrai

Haha I can just see someone sitting outside preferably with headphones in a park or likewise with Pandora in the lap trying to steer with left thumb while holding Pandora fixed and waving that thing in the air screaming every 15-20 sec when he get fragged... I can see the ad now,


2:20 in (the hard part) ;D

Actually, this isn't like the Wiimote. You would be able to walk while using this. The Gyroscope is what decides the movement of the mouse, there is nothing you need to point at or anything. It's all determined by the way you move your wrist. I have one, and they're actually fun to mess around with.

-God Ginrai
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Think of it this way. You remember seeing Quake3 on the iphone?

Well, that graphics card is rated at 1 million polygons a second.

The SGX in the pandora has a far greater fillrate and rated at 10 million polygons a second.

The Cortex-A8 in the Pandora also run rings about the ARM11 CPU, while still very impressive.

The benefit of all this extra performance is that the Pandora will not only be able to run Quake3, but it will be able to run it with higher detailed models and higher resolution textures. (Plus, you can use controls that really work) ;)
icurafu said:
Think of it this way. You remember seeing Quake3 on the iphone?

Well, that graphics card is rated at 1 million polygons a second.

The SGX in the pandora has a far greater fillrate and rated at 10 million polygons a second.

The Cortex-A8 in the Pandora also run rings about the ARM11 CPU, while still very impressive.

The benefit of all this extra performance is that the Pandora will not only be able to run Quake3, but it will be able to run it with higher detailed models and higher resolution textures. (Plus, you can use controls that really work) ;)
o_O The iphone can run Quake 3? Now that's a scary thought.

-God Ginrai
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javaJake said:
No no, you miss the point, my dear friend. What's really scary is how many iPhones will be found in the garbage a day after the Pandora is released.
What will people use to make calls? :P (also, if you're gonna throw away iPhones, send them to me :P)
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Some guy named hinkka has ported Quake 1 & 2 for nokia symbian phones (n95 etc.) Q1 runs fine on my n95 both gl and soft mode. Due to only ~32 mb free ram of the n95 Q2 doesn't run in gl mode but works fine in soft mode. Both run with 20-25 fps. N95 has 332mhz processor and opengles gpu.

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