I have bean working on a python binding for Quad-Ren, currently it is incomplete, but qr_renderer, qr_quad, qr_line, qr_sprite, vector2d_f and vector2d_i are available. See the attachment for the source code.
To compile the bindings you need to have QR installed and have the python and boost.python development packages available. You may need to change python 2.6 in the makefile to 2.5 or 2.4 depending on which version of python your distro provides.
Like QR, it should work on Win32 and OSX if you can work out how to compile it.
This is completely un-related to the scripting idea in the other thread, which is intended as an enhancement to the C++ API. The python bindings just export the C++ API to python.
To compile the bindings you need to have QR installed and have the python and boost.python development packages available. You may need to change python 2.6 in the makefile to 2.5 or 2.4 depending on which version of python your distro provides.
Like QR, it should work on Win32 and OSX if you can work out how to compile it.
This is completely un-related to the scripting idea in the other thread, which is intended as an enhancement to the C++ API. The python bindings just export the C++ API to python.