Pyra dock connections.

Thanks for the links. Can't rule it out then, but it is less likely to see it happen than I was initially thinking. We will see what happens and with that in mind I can forget about ordering one soon after the launch.
Ah, I thought the Pyra was created while having a dockingstation option in mind. 

It was. Thats why all the sockets, including headphone output, are on the back.
What it doesn't have is a special docking connector, because nobody likes proprietary connectors, and theres no room anyway.
Hmm, I thought the reason the headphone socket was at the back was because the front is full of 2 SD slots and a 3G antenna.  As far as I've noticed, most PCs that have docks have the headphone socket still accessible, so you can leave headphones plugged in as you dock/undock the machine.
The back of the Pyra is a collection of ports all soldered to a single motherboard - but their orientation in space is otherwise unrelated.  Since there is no unified 'docking port', the 'dock' would have to plug into the entire port array.  In theory they're all pointed directly out the back,...

I guess the best chance for this to work is, to use some kind of guidance and reduce the number of ports the dock should connect to. Or almost defeat the purpose of the dock and use short cables on the dock that need to be plugged into the Pyra.

On a side note: I am a bit dissapointed that people are just too lazy to use the search functions. This topic, together with the "why HDMI/HDMI possibilities" and HDMI-fee topics (and probably more) have already been discussed extensivly over a year ago.
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On a side note: I am a bit dissapointed that people are just too lazy to use the search functions. This topic, together with the "why HDMI/HDMI possibilities" and HDMI-fee topics (and probably more) have already been discussed extensivly over a year ago.

It's not like this is a new thread,  this is the same thread that was started almost a year ago.

On a side note: I am a bit dissapointed that people are just too lazy to use the search functions. This topic, together with the "why HDMI/HDMI possibilities" and HDMI-fee topics (and probably more) have already been discussed extensivly over a year ago.

It's not like this is a new thread,  this is the same thread that was started almost a year ago.

arrgghh, ok time to search for my dunce cap...
I just had what I think is a brilliant idea!
Lining up all the ports could be difficult to do each time and insertion force required could be high.
Someone just said that there was not enough space for a dedicated proprietary connector. What about a dock adapter, that is, a simple passthrough for all the ports that has a docking port on it as well. It may be possible to only add 1-2 cm in depth to the Pyra to do this.
The docking port could be anything really now that size is not as much of a concern! Maybe a PCI-E connector?
You mean like a sort of dongle you attach which plugs into all the ports, which converts them all to a single connector for use with a dock?  I'm not sure the force needed to insert that into your pyra will be any less than that you'd need to plug it into a conventional (in the context of this thread) dock.  Or are you perhaps imagining it to be like a spider of cables, with one for each of the Pyra's ports, and one for the dock?  That rather defeats the elegance of a conventional dock where theoretically you just walk up and slot the device in, though that does depend on how easy it is to insert.

I personally hope insertion force won't be that much.  Two full sized USB ports, two micro, one 3.5mm headphone jack and one (micro?) HDMI port are quite a lot, but the headphone plug going in first should help you align the dock connectors before applying too much force.  Next the full-sized USB plugs should mesh, which should give a very firm fix on the alignment of the dock, although those can tend to be a little stiff.  Once those are moving, the smaller ports should line up and go in almost by themselves though.
Quote said:
I'm not sure the force needed to insert that into your pyra will be any less than that you'd need to plug it into a conventional (in the context of this thread) dock.
It would be exactly the same required amount of force. Imagine a dock, but without the expansion ports and only a dock connector and passthrough of current ports. This would be affixed to the Pyra all the time. Basically all it does is add a dock port to the Pyra and a bit of bulk.
Quote said:
I'm not sure the force needed to insert that into your pyra will be any less than that you'd need to plug it into a conventional (in the context of this thread) dock.
It would be exactly the same required amount of force. Imagine a dock, but without the expansion ports and only a dock connector and passthrough of current ports. This would be affixed to the Pyra all the time. Basically all it does is add a dock port to the Pyra and a bit of bulk.

How about the force needed to connect the dock connector bit to the back ports?
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That's what he and I are talking about I think.  And yeah, it would be the same, and if it offered a passthrough then it could remain connected a lot of the time (provided I bought a new case for it).  It would have to be fairly bulky though even assuming the headphone ports could be staggered front to back.  And it would need to not interfere with the shoulder buttons.

A 2d mockup should be enough for confirm whether it does or not.  And a 3D mockup might help sell the ideas to more people.  Even me, perhaps - I'm not even sold on the idea that I'll need a dock - plugging in an HDMI lead and a USB hub doesn't seem that much work.
 Even me, perhaps - I'm not even sold on the idea that I'll need a dock - plugging in an HDMI lead and a USB hub doesn't seem that much work.

If it's just providing extra USB ports then I see no need, but If it has a bay that would allow either a laptop sized HDD/SSD or a slimbay optical drive making use of the SATA line. Or both if the optical drive uses USB. Perhaps USB 3.0 OTG could be broken out for regular USB 3.0 ports and even used for gigabit Ethernet... 
Optical/magnetic/mechanical drives?  How quaint. :wub:

I did mention SSD drives as well.
Those don't typically spin, as Levi described.
Indeed.  They also don't generally need active cooling, although they can get quite toasty.  Unfortunately, eSATA as a format supports both SSDs and spinning discs, so some people will probably fit them, if such a Pyra dock comes out.  I suppose it could only expose the interface as mSATA though, which AFAIK limits connectivity to small-form-factor SSDs.