Crush! (first Public Beta)


Still Fresh
Jul 28, 2004
Béjar (Salamanca) SPAIN
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Hello, my friends.

Some of you already know I'm developing a new game for GP32: Crush!. Originally intended for the GBAX2005, the game development is going much slower than planned. I didn't want to delay the release of a first public beta, but my job killed my spare time, so I've taken the fifty-fifty solution: to release the beta now, but lacking most of the features I wanted it to have, both technically and graphically.

In my plans the game will be completed in February 2007, but I really don't think so... sorry.

I paste a screenshot, attach the binaries (GeePee32 version included, really slow) and the original images (because I definitely need help with graphics).

The game objective is to make lines, like in Tetris, but in this game you don't have the control of the piece, but two sprites: one can push the piece and the other can rotate it. The players can be switch with the L and R shoulder buttons, and the piece can crush the players if they're on its way. Have fun!


I don't know how to upload files here in GP32Xtreme, so I will put a link to my original post in GP32Spain. Please click here.
Are you telling him that his own game is for the GP32? Don't you think he and everyone else would already know that? People do still have GP32's, you know.
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This is looking good. Why such a long time until expected release ? It looks as if you are almost there. Nice twist on tetris. Thank you for this.