Beer? That's nothing! How about: If you get an email from a Nigerian prince talking about Pyra... it's FOR REAL DUDE!!!!
Check this out:
or... We know the pyra can get hot, and thus,
we can cook food in it...
no no.. for realzies!
Pyra gets hot but it is pretty cool
But seriously though... the other side of the stylus pen holder is empty, it could have a little container that could hold a bit of beer.... or some mints... wouldnt that be awesome... like, want a tic-tac? *gets out a Pyra*, dispenses a tic-tac....
BTW, I am now sitting relaxed in a
Pyra Chair
at the
Pyra Bar drinking and eating from these
artisans . Reading
facebook hashtag pyra.
And to get that vibe, you
smoke some pyrology, man... *(if you have the money, quite expensive)
Got Bugs in your software? Get them
bugfree with Pyra fog (warning, NSWE... Images in that link not save while eating)
... that's all the stuff I could find...
@Linux-SWAT Where is that beer from? From Germany? Don't drink German beer,
it's contaminated with carcinogenic herbicides, the safest beer had 400 times the allowed amount... the least save had over 9000 (50.000 times the norm) was in the news last month...