Pygame Port?


Nov 20, 2010
Hey. Just wondering what the chances are of a port of Pygame, preferably one with per-pixel collision detection (it's already built in Pygame 1.8, I think). That would be great for development (I find SDL hard with its C++ chicanery and BennuGD not nearly structured enough... And the help is in Spanish, which I can't speak).
You can take my nLove (LÖVE) port :-). It's faster than python/pygame and you can take Lua for coding. It already includes Game and Demo sample code. Just extract the *.love files (zip archives!).

here you can find some tutorials & api documentation.

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Interesting. You do nice work, SiENce. I'll have to check it out. Do you think you could build in G-Sensor / vibration motor / microphone support? I know that's a tall order. Just being able to check tilt readings from the G-Sensor would be great.
So if I understand this correctly, I could start prototyping a game on my PC, then when I get myself a Caanoo it'll be quick and easy to port?
Yes, using libraries like Love or BennuGD, you can develop the game (and run it) on the PC, and when you like it, put it on the Caanoo. It should work fine (assuming you made it to work fine). The old standard is SDL (which I managed to get working), but with the new development kit GPH put out, the Da Vinci Game Engine is also available (the DGE, which I couldn't get working).
I find Python to be much easier and more flexible than C++ - you still have variable types and arrays and such, but it's much more forgiving. For example:


float[] array;
array = [0, 1, 0, 2, 3];

Or something like that. However...


array = [0, 1, 0, 2, 3]
print (array)

As you can see, Python assumes that I'm trying to print the value of the array, not the variable location (?) like C++ would unless I get the value of the 'pointer' using the & sign. Anyway, I find Python to just be more fun to work with than C++.