Purchase confusion


Jan 6, 2004
hello all...

I am a proud new owner of a nice shiney GP32 and I would like to watch some movies on it...

so far so good... :D

I've looked about and it appears that GP cinema is the real deal so "right" I thought "just get over to JoyGP buy it, download it and play...."

Now forgive my ignorance but what is all this mileage business - I know it has something to do with paypal but it seems to be awfully convoluted!

And how come everyone says it costs only around £3.00 when the price seems to be 10,000 krw which is ...erm , more!

Shouldn't this be a whole lot easier than it appears to be... all I want to do is watch a movie on my GP32... (with sound)

please explain, someone? anyone? :blink:

Well, not long ago, you could buy it using your credit card.
But due to some problems with that, you can now only buy using PayPal.
Since the PayPal-transaction lasts a few hours, you can't buy it directly but get the amount of money you transacted as "MileAges".

With these mileages you can buy everything you want. You can buy thousands of mileages at a time to build up a certain credit (so you can immediately buy new stuff) or only transact the exact amount of money needed for the game / application you want.

And 10,000 KRW is about 4.62669 GBP.
Most people don't exactly know how much that is, so they say approx. 3 GBP (I think it was 3 GBP sometime last year...?)
aha! ok - get it now...

I was being thick - it was late!


Rick :p
Well i've just bought 10,000 mileages or whatever... how long until i can buy gpcinema?!?1