Psx Emulation.

TJSomething said:
I've been under the impression that people have been removing the FMVs on discs for ages.

*looks it up* Ah, PocketISO will do the trick.

Sadly, not all games work with that. Although it's great for the ones that do and the movies don't really add to the experience (like the sports games).

I wouldn't play any FInal Fantasy without FMVs though :)
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Lobo said:
I got as many as 6 (PocketISO compressed) games onto a 2GB card the other day, so don't worry about it.

Besides, by the time we get our hands on the Pandora those 16GB cards will be 32 GB, and the 16 GB ones will cost the same as the actual 4GB ones :D
I was suprised when i saw that familiar avatar. Hi lobo :D
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Joppu said:
I was suprised when i saw that familiar avatar. Hi lobo :D
Hey! I've been wondering for weeks if it was you or not :D

Just hanging around here, drooling for the Pandora :)
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Tozarian said:
Is it possible to trim unused space off psx CD's?

Every time I go to this page and I see this I want to reply:

Stanley knife?

So now I did... I'll go back to sleep now.
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Tinnus said:
I wouldn't play any FInal Fantasy without FMVs though :)
Caution: long and rambling thought process below. See bottom for summary.

That just gave me the craziest idea. You replace the FMV with a 10-second long video of a number. When the number comes up, you pause the game and open a copy of the video, reencoded in a modern video compression scheme, like MPEG-4 AVC.
I'm not sure how much RAM that kind of multitasking would take. But if you could keep a file browser with the proper file associations in the background with the FMV folder open, it wouldn't be take too much longer.
This all assumes that the age of the PS1 implies a much lesser compression scheme. If there's little advantage, the inconvenience isn't worth it.
As I think it through, this is sounding like a worse and worse idea. From what I recall of my experience with zodttd's PSX4All on my Zaurus, task switching wasn't really an option. In addition, I'm taking for granted the ability to encode PS1 FMVs.
These thoughts and ramblings have brought me to an idea. It's probably unworkable, but if one could somehow detect which FMV was being played, could the emulator check for a external video of the same name, pause itself, play that with an external program that terminates on completion, and resume.
Beforehand, you would have to extract all the videos and convert them. Is there even an open source video extracter?

You know, ideas always sound way better when you haven't thought them through. :rolleyes:

In summary: Extracting videos, encoding with better compression, and playing them manually or as an emulator feature might decrease ISO size, but after consideration, the whole idea is probably unworkably complex or impossible.
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Um... that means you would need to be playing the Pandora while sitting near a computer. Which means it's no longer really portable. Which means that storage space is not so much an issue, since you can just delete & recopy the iso as needed. Which means... ;)