Psp To Get A Keyboard?

This is just a mock-up that some guy did - it's not from Sony or anyone official. It's not more valid at this point than the "DS Lite Compact".

That said - if they came out with a PSP like the one pictured in that article - and it was resonibly priced, I would be inclined to upgrade. It would make it far more useful as an Internet device.
craigix said:
Saw this:

Made me laugh. Obviously the reg have never heard of the Pandora. No one in the posts mentioned it either :(

Interesting though if Sony are heading the way of the Pandora, minus open software of course.

Mmmmmmm, How many internet devices does one person need. :rolleyes:

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No USB I am not interested.

I think it is plain lack of imagination that is so stifling. Kids today have no clue. Give me a $200 set of Legos or a robot to play with, don't need freaking Sony telling me what to do.

If you give your kid Lego Technics, be sure to give him some nuts/bolts some plywood and a drill eventually, those damn blocks aren't exactly the cheapest or easiest to bend to your will without a little more creativity ;).

Besides, by 14 the kid should have a car/go-kart/motorcycle to wrench on, and get him started on learning about the real world. Figure $150-200 to buy the kid this game system, then $20-60 a game, he should spend the money one something actually useful.

If he is into computers, there is much better bang for the buck than a PSP, just look at the freaking iPod Touch for $200 on ebay.

I am biased looking around at all the 8-28 year old useless people whose entire world is these games, and they don't even know how to properly utilize them. Sad really.

Edit: Sony has discovered a way to sell people in the 20th century $50 razor blades, the only irony is that the actual razor blade is made of plastic and it is entirely redundant as there is re-usable storage on the same system that the game can play off of!

No logical reason is stopping all the games from being available online. Maybe if the games were actually worth it, but the only ones that are even interesting are remakes of games that have been released and re-released before, but with new content. Maybe we should bring the new content to the systems with new hardware? Just maybe.
Nightwheel said:
If the rumor turns out to be true. Make's me wonder if Sony is seeing the Pandora as a threat to it's PSP.
I doubt it. If Pandora were a 'known brand' they might sit up and take notice. But they will be seeing what Nokia for one are doing with the tablets and think they could do that with the PSP, and the general trend towards MIDs and portable devices. Lets face it, many people want internet access, IM an email and don't want to carry more than one device + phone, so they will want to make sure theirs is the one.

They probably want to sell downloadable content too, and its easier to type your credit card details in with a proper keyboard! ;)
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Nightwheel said:
If the rumor turns out to be true. Make's me wonder if Sony is seeing the Pandora as a threat to it's PSP.
As someone else pointed out above this isn't really likely. Craig and the Pandora crew are small beans to Sony.
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