Psp Maybe For Sale


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
Visit site
Was looking at possibly selling my PSP. I really dont want to, but I'm really strapped for cash at the moment, and it would be handy.

Its a US PSP (obviously plays all region games - I'm in the UK), with a 1.5 firmware. Comes with :-

Leather case
1Gb MS duo pro
32Mb MS Duo Pro

Wipeout Pure
Twisted Metal Head On

Value pack accessories (so normal stuff - remote control headphones, soft case etc).

How much would people be prepared to offer me?

How about £190?

my brothers been going crazy lookin for a 1.5

tell me if its acceptable
OmarNawaz posted on Mar 19 2006 at 11:09 PM said:
How about £190?

my brothers been going crazy lookin for a 1.5

tell me if its acceptable



With the MS, would have to be £190 though, not the amount you asked me in your PM :P

If that's ok, let me know, and I'll make me final decision......
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Steve-O posted on Mar 23 2006 at 06:05 PM said:
How Much for the 1GB Card if Omar backs out of the deal??? :)

If that were to happen my bro will probably do something unspeakeable horrid to me like hax my laptop my laptop so all the XP SFX are pwn st*r noises
( he actually done that once very embarassing next day a work when it started up:( )

I havent received a reply guess Axeman must be busy
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