Psp Just Over £100

It might be a good idea to import form the US while the dollar is weak, If you ordered before the US release though, you;d still be paying the japanese price. If you waited for the US release you could at least get games in english.
That's great idea, I'm getting my speed skates from America, and they're half their dollar price!
(I'm starting to get a belly :eek:)
EDIT: I was also going to get a PSP from Japan but I hated the concept of a Japanese bios and a Japanese manual, if I was an adult and earning money I would buy the Jap one and then the UK one. But I haven't so:
Patience is a virtue, virtue is a grace.
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I very much doubt there will be a writeable UMD for the PSP it would require a whole hell of a lot more than just crankingout flash carts made from easily obtainable electronics.

Your best bet is to hope they allow you to run videos recorded through Sony Digicams on to your momory stick, of course you;d need to be able to transfer movies to the digicam to be saved on the M-stick which would probably require you to hack the cam or atleast have a card reader to send things to the card.

WHoen it comes down to it the only in viable inroads right now to running things sony probably dosent want you to run is by USB, as there's no way in hell they're going to let the thing be hacked through the M-stick.