Psp Firmware 3.52 M33


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2005
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Last night I updated to 3.52 m33. I was happy for the rest of the night and up until this afternoon. Then it began not reading psp isos, so I changed the settings in recovery mode. The games worked, but it wouldn't save my settings. So, I had to change the settings every time I booted up.

I decided to downgrade. So, I used the recovery mode and updated to 3.40 OE. Then (this may have caused some problems for all I know) I tried installing a theme. That didn't work, in fact it semi-bricked my psp. So, then I did the recovery and update process and was back at 3.40 OE. When I wanted to play psp isos, it would not load them either. I was really pissed by then.

I decided to update to 3.51 m33, because I didn't have those problems when I was on that firmware. I even installed the 7th update for it.

But, when I tried to play psp isos, it wouldn't work! I am super-pissed off, man. <_< So I was wondering if you guys knew what I did wrong or what I should do now. BTW, I still have my receipt for the psp and it comes with a one year warranty. I just don't feel like returning it, because I don't want to go through the same processes.

Thanks in advance for anybody willing to help! :)
that sucks...
I doubt even on a large psp forum you could get a good answer..
what happened between your last iso successfully booting and when they stopped working?
also: what does ur sig mean?
purple_goat said:
that sucks...
I doubt even on a large psp forum you could get a good answer..
what happened between your last iso successfully booting and when they stopped working?
also: what does ur sig mean?
Well, I tampered with the recovery settings just now, and I'm happy to say that I got the isos to work. :D

Anyway, my sig has something (hopefully) to do with what is going on now in our world. I didn't want to do the stereotypical sig on these and other forums. For example, your sig has what consoles you own and your computer specifications. But I wanted to put something more meaningful.

I had a dream (MLK, lol) that something would happen around september, but I am reluctant to tell everybody for fear of looking like a jackass. I just hope it comes true or else my sig would have been for nothing. :ph34r:

This thread was a mistake, I guess. I hope I didn't annoy anyone by making them research it further, but we did learn that CFW 3.52 M33 is slightly buggy. People should just stick with 3.51 M33 until some better version of the new firmware comes out.

Other bugs:
-would not save that background that I set (always went back to a pink theme)
-randomly made me have to reset my date settings
-randomly made my language settings different
-switched the functions of the circle and cross buttons
-deleted some programs

I hope that helps other people out there that are anxious to upgrade to the new firmware. Just BEWARE!!!
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OMars said:
purple_goat said:
that sucks...
I doubt even on a large psp forum you could get a good answer..
what happened between your last iso successfully booting and when they stopped working?
also: what does ur sig mean?
Well, I tampered with the recovery settings just now, and I'm happy to say that I got the isos to work. :D

Anyway, my sig has something (hopefully) to do with what is going on now in our world. I didn't want to do the stereotypical sig on these and other forums. For example, your sig has what consoles you own and your computer specifications. But I wanted to put something more meaningful.

I had a dream (MLK, lol) that something would happen around september, but I am reluctant to tell everybody for fear of looking like a jackass. I just hope it comes true or else my sig would have been for nothing. :ph34r:

1)glad it works again..

3)my sig is not meaningful?? :( I drew the picture myself.. (tho I think I will get rid of my cpu specs
4)please pm me with what your sig means
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CUPC4KES said:
nothing bad thats going to happen i hope omars?? :blink:
Bad for some people in power currently, but not to the English, if that's what you mean.

@purple_goat: are you that anxious to hear it? Just wait a couple months man! :P

Just remember people, it's just a dream, I'm not freaking Nostradamus. Although, he was a complete fake.
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