Ps3 Release Woes...

Do you think that this delay would give Nintendo and Microsoft the upper hand? Or could this affect Nintendo's launch date? Nintendo has always given 2006 as their launch date, which gives them a good size window. They may not feel hurried now or they may feel that they could temporarily get first place again. I say this and I really don't know how well Xbox 360 is selling. I do feel that even though there is a delay, that if PS3 comes out of the gates roaring, it will hit the market with a bang. On the other hand, they don't want to be too late.
i don't think it matters to Sony, they believe it will be a success regardless of when it is released. I'd rather have a bug free, complete product, than a buggy rush job.
"major restructuring drive"? I don't like the sound of that.

Oh wait, it's OK, they're only firing several thousand employees. Isn't it funny what terminology these people can come up with? "No, no, you're not fired, you were just majorly restructured."
Insiders were already saying the PS3 wouldn't be out in spring, but Sony has stuck to that release date until now for a reason. A lot of would-be X360 customers decided to wait a few months to see what would happen, thinking the PS3 would be out soon.. and at this point, the initial 360 craze is gone, so some of those people will still be willing to wait for the new release.

Shame about the layoffs..
This will change little. It wont give the Xbox360 much of an advantage as they still wont be able to sell any in Japan, Japanese devlopers wont sign up, and the world will wait.

It might help Nintendo though if they manage to release before Sony and with a low price point. I can see many people splashing out on a Revolution while they wait for their PS3s.
grahf posted on Mar 15 2006 at 11:28 AM said:
Insiders were already saying the PS3 wouldn't be out in spring, but Sony has stuck to that release date until now for a reason. A lot of would-be X360 customers decided to wait a few months to see what would happen, thinking the PS3 would be out soon.. and at this point, the initial 360 craze is gone, so some of those people will still be willing to wait for the new release.
It's like deja vu all over again!
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haha, the X260 won't be another Dreamcast--it would need quality titles for that! Just kidding (I'm actually on the fence what console I'll "support").

As for this news, it's certainly no surprise. Gamers and game companies have been through delays before and have emerged unscathed. And if a delay of a few months can drop the price of this monster (which I do believe is a factor), I'm all for it.
I don't think it will effect much. Sony fanboiz would wait 10 more years if they had to. I have an X360 now and it is great (Oblivion out next week :) ) so I really don't care about the delay and never thought it would come out spring anyway. I will get a PS3 when it is ready but I am in no rush.
I've been saying it for months that Sony was going to Dreamcast the 360.

Personally with the backlog of games I have for the PS2 I'm happy to not see it untill november, this is truly a good thing for most people. I was never under the illusion is would launch in spring that just seemed way too soon, regardless of when ever the 360 launched... and sputtered.

The revo is a non-issue Nintendo dosent care about being first place anymore. If M$ and sony where in a foot race Nintendo would be on the other side of the city doing gymnastics or something that's how uneffected they are.
It's not actually been delayed in Europe. If anything it's been moved forwards as most people didn't expect to see it until 2007.

The real downside to this announcement is that Sony Expect to have around 1 million units ready for November. Which no way near enough if they hope to launch worldwide...
hehehe, good news for the euros? I'd never have expected that, but I wonder if they don't mean a million for each territory (Europe, North America, & Japan)?

The PS2 launched with a half million units here, while it wasnt too hard for people to just walk in and buy one there was still a noticable shortage that would be even worse if you divided 1 mil by 3.
but I wonder if they don't mean a million for each territory (Europe, North America, & Japan)?

Yeah, that could be true.

They'll need at least half a million units per territory if they plan to release it around Christmas time. Even 1 million and they'll still struggle to cope with demand if they don't get another shipment out before December 25th.

Call me pessimist if you want, but I can see Europe getting the bum end of the stick in this deal. They've only got 1 million units ready, so they'll divide it evenly between the States and Japan and release it Europe Spring 2007. You heard it here first... ;)
I forget how is europe's 360 stock? is it as Riduculous a back log as they are in the US? One of my co workers just got called to pick up his preorder this week, he's already lost interest.
I forget how is europe's 360 stock? is it as Riduculous a back log as they are in the US? One of my co workers just got called to pick up his preorder this week, he's already lost interest.

Uhh..yeah, they're not exactly flying off the shelves to be honest. Interest in Xbox has always been lower over here than it is in the States. I'm surprised they haven't taken stock from Japan and Europe and shipped it over to the US if the demand is there.
Im pretty sure its still the same stack till release in our local electronics store.
Honestly, 360 is a big failure almost evrywhare but in us.
1.66m sold after 4 months? even ps2 still sells more.
Yeah I wouldnt exactly call it a big deal here either, it seems like MS short shipped to make it look like there was a high demand. There shouldnt be any reason you can't walk into a store and buy one at this point.