ps2 vs xbox vs gamecube wich is better?

wich is the better console

  • xbox

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  • ps2

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  • gamecube

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If I had the cash I would have all three :)

They are only as good as the games you like on them.
the xbox is lacking a bit as far as sweet original games go but it hands down has the best graphics. As well if you mod an xbox it blows everything out of the water, and I mean everything. It has emulators for everything dvd playback divix, mp3's, photo viewer any and every type of media you can throw at it it an play fine. And I didn't even mention linux yet. The xbox wins but if we are just talking stock video game systems it falls a bit short of the game cube.
Graphically, they all have great looking games.

To me, it comes down to software preferences, and for me that's Viewtiful Joe, Animal Crossing, Cubivore, adn Pacman VS.

I like all the systems, but I am a little disappointed that the PS2 has far fewer freaky type games than the PS1 did.
Gamecube by far. I've got them all and can honestly not remember the last time I played my PS2. The graphics are shite, as are the controllers, and sure it has GTA, but that's the only good game (oh, and kingdom hearts is pretty good). Xbox has it's graphics and emulation, and Halo. But Gamecube has by far the best games (Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, F Zero, Metroid Prime, Luigi's mansion, Super Monkey Ball), plus pretty damn decent graphics.
theres no competition. its XBOX

Pretty odd coming from a person with a Kingdom Hearts avatar! Just kidding. XBOX is the best by far. I also have all three and I play my XBOX about the most and my GC and PS2 about equally. PS2's game selection can leave a lot to be desired (especially if you never really got into thier games that they have had for a long time like Final Fantasy). Other than that GC has games that PS2 and XBOX would never do or just can't do (Monkey Ball, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Mario Party, Mario Kart and plenty of others) but XBOX has it where it counts; Online play, Multiplayer games (especially system-link), the best RPG's and FPS's (HALO, KOTOR, Morrowind, plenty of others) and my only real problem is that XBOX are not all that reliable and many break down with no recall from Microsoft. That sorta sucks, but I don't have the problem I had when I had just my PS2 and I would go to Electronics Boutique and I couldn't even find a game that I remotely wanted.
Yeah, I love Kingdom Hearts too, My only regret is not buying it earlier. I'm not much of a FF fan but they were smart, so they made it so you really didn't have to be. Anyways, probably the best $20 I have ever spent on a game. It just makes you want ot play more and more. :o
cube myself, but ps2 is very close, almost equal. But the cube is like the definition of gaming for me, so its still my fav. But ps2 is darn good, with disgaea, ffx, and thug online ^^.
PS2 for the games and its sheer raw power, But I'll get a gamecube when I get the money. I'd only get an xbox to use as a media centre.