Hopped into my chair to play on Burnout 2 on PS2 and got a Error Message saying "PS2 Memory Card Corrupt. Please Delete the corrupt blocks in the browser"... so I go into the browser to delete the corrupt files and it says "NO DATA"... So I say WTF!!!! Then I boot GTA:VC Up and it 'loads' my Save but I cant Freeeeakin Save onto the card or see any files I have saved in the browser... Anyone else have / had this problem and know what to do??? I put original and clone PS1 Cards in and its reading them perfectly so its not my Mem Card Ports... I have tried blowing in the PS2 Mem card as well and still nothing 
Its a Official Sony PS2 8MB Card that I paid £28.99 on ages ago
I just recently chipped PS2 and had been able to save perfectly after doing so but now I cant...
I Wouldn't have thought chipping a PS2 with Messiah 2 Pro could damage a Memory card anyway....
Please help me... Thanks
Its a Official Sony PS2 8MB Card that I paid £28.99 on ages ago
I just recently chipped PS2 and had been able to save perfectly after doing so but now I cant...
I Wouldn't have thought chipping a PS2 with Messiah 2 Pro could damage a Memory card anyway....
Please help me... Thanks