prototype gp32....

i like that design too, we COULD probobly make a mold of that one for "normal" gp32 users... that would rock me sockless... but molds are expensive to make...DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW HOW TO MAKE MOLDS???!!!
the proto fx-man has is the old model with arm7 ..
dont know if they had own chip for CF stuff or did the processor support CF itself..

but the thing is ..
they changed to much powerfull arm9 (the gp32 we know) and that had mmc(smc) stuff buildin .. and smc was much "better" choise for gaming console..
so they dumped the whole cf thing ;)

and there is a way to dump the bios of that .. fx-man msg me in irc if you want to try it ;)

//markus p <empee at daug dot net>
i like that design too, we COULD probobly make a mold of that one for "normal" gp32 users... that would rock me sockless... but molds are expensive to make...DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW HOW TO MAKE MOLDS???!!!
i think it would be senseless, as the actual gp has a smaller screen, an smc-slot, different buttons etc.
further you dont know, if all the hardware would fit exactly. You needed to design the case from scratch... but anyway it would be cool, if you could modify your case similar to that one.
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i wasn't talinkg about a perfect mold of that one i was talking about making a case SIMILAR to it :p
somebody was selling one of them prototypes on ebay a couple of months ago, but alas ebay removed it befor i got a bid in!

damn ebay! <_<