Proper SNES Emulation?

Also, there are ASM cores for both the sound and CPU core. They are in the GP32 and GP2X versions, but for some reason it was decided to port the bloody Dingoo version!

I hate that sort of thing as much as you do.
And that's the beauty of open source. If you don't like it you can do it yourself :lol:
I admit the fact that barely any games do not run is pretty freaken amazing but it is missing plenty of features, the interface is buggy and has crashed on me plenty of times and the sound quality is sub par. I'm just saying we need somebody to kick this emulator to the next step, fix the sound issues, get proper save state support etc..
I admit the fact that barely any games do not run is pretty freaken amazing but it is missing plenty of features, the interface is buggy and has crashed on me plenty of times and the sound quality is sub par. I'm just saying we need somebody to kick this emulator to the next step, fix the sound issues, get proper save state support etc..

really it has crashed? i have read some other posters comment on crashes etc. i've had my panda now for just under two weeks and i am always oc as far as 900mhz and it never crashes. and when running SNES9x4P i only need to oc to 600 - and of course never crashed either

maybe i'm lucky or maybe we just hear about bugs more than the perfect running ones - again i haven't had any sound issues at all except with mupen64 - but that's expected.

i can try a game your having issues with and see if i can replicate the problem
My pandora crashed quite a few times in several places before I reflashed. After that it's been all peaches.
Also, there are ASM cores for both the sound and CPU core. They are in the GP32 and GP2X versions, but for some reason it was decided to port the bloody Dingoo version!

I hate that sort of thing as much as you do.

There's been an attempt to port PocketSNES, but as you can see, sound is a real issue here.

Sound is really hacked together, notaz took a look at it and was surprised it even works on the WIZ / Caanoo. The current sound hacks cannot be used on the Pandora, so for PocketSNES we'd need a new soundcore (or grab the one from SNES9x, but that one is no ASM).

The SNES9x (which is the version the Dingoo is based on) CPU core is more compatible than the one in PocketSNES, and as the Pandora is fast enough to easily handle that core, no one wanted to sacrifice compatibility just to make it possible to run at 500MHz fullspeed instead of the current 600MHz.

That's the reason the current one is based on the Dingoo version. PocketSNES is an evil hack and not really portable... it was so optimized to run fast on the small GP2X so that any attempt to port it to a new system is A LOT of work.
I have honestly had no issue with a single SNES rom on SNES9x4P with the exception of Starfox 2.
Couldnt agree more m8 every game i tried ran fullspeed no lag no sound issues sure you werent on the disco biscuits that night m8?
I admit the fact that barely any games do not run is pretty freaken amazing but it is missing plenty of features, the interface is buggy and has crashed on me plenty of times and the sound quality is sub par. I'm just saying we need somebody to kick this emulator to the next step, fix the sound issues, get proper save state support etc..
Wait, wait. Buggy? Crashing? Proper save-state support? That puts some questions in my mind - do you mind if I ask a couple of things?

Just to check: Are you using the most up-to-date version of Snes9x4P? The save-state problem that existed some time ago was fixed quite a long time ago - that feature should be fully working.

As for crashing, I must admit that I've honestly never seen it crash. Just to cover all bases, on the off-chance that this is what's up, you haven't accidentally hit the "Q" key during play, have you?

PocketSNES runs just fine for myself. If you OC to at least 700, sound issue seems to almost disappear.
It doesn't fix the older sound-emulation issues it has, though. For example, in Donkey Kong Country 2, the ambient noise dwarfs out everything else. It's a remnant from an even older version of Snes9x than the one that Snes9x4P is based on. :p
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Lol, I've never heard the term "disco biscuit" before. Knew exactly what it was when I read it though.
Ok so I guess there are 2 versions? Snesx4D4P and Snesx4P is the 4P one more stable and better? lol
It is not the same version as I downloaded it has a slightly cleaner interface but no VSYNC.
It has the same vsync as the other version had, too... Trust me, I am very sure about this! Though you don't get vsync if you activate frameskipping, but that is the same with older versions, too.
It is not the same version as I downloaded it has a slightly cleaner interface but no VSYNC.
It has the same vsync as the other version had, too... Trust me, I am very sure about this! Though you don't get vsync if you activate frameskipping, but that is the same with older versions, too.
Frameskip u cannot disable same as the other one :(
^ Try pressing space in-game - it'll call up the menu.
I know how to access the menu, it has frameskip set to 60/1 and you cannot set it to 0, also vsync is disabled on this version but u can enable and disable it on the less pretty one.
I know how to access the menu, it has frameskip set to 60/1 and you cannot set it to 0, also vsync is disabled on this version but u can enable and disable it on the less pretty one.
1 means display every single frame. (2 would mean display every 2nd frame, 3 would mean display every 3rd frame, etc...) Vsync is automatically enabled at 60/1.