Proper SNES Emulation?

I know how to access the menu, it has frameskip set to 60/1 and you cannot set it to 0, also vsync is disabled on this version but u can enable and disable it on the less pretty one.
1 means display every single frame. (2 would mean display every 2nd frame, 3 would mean display every 3rd frame, etc...) Vsync is automatically enabled at 60/1.
Ya well vsync was working on zombies ate my neighbors than suddenly I got screen tearing.
I know how to access the menu, it has frameskip set to 60/1 and you cannot set it to 0, also vsync is disabled on this version but u can enable and disable it on the less pretty one.
1 means display every single frame. (2 would mean display every 2nd frame, 3 would mean display every 3rd frame, etc...) Vsync is automatically enabled at 60/1.
Ya well vsync was working on zombies ate my neighbors than suddenly I got screen tearing.

What MHz were you running?

Most games run fine with 600MHz, though I usually run at 650 - 700MHz to be sure.

VSync only works if the emulation speed is 100% without frameskip, so once the emulation slows down because your CPU is too slow, VSYNC won't work and you will see tearing.
Also, there are ASM cores for both the sound and CPU core. They are in the GP32 and GP2X versions, but for some reason it was decided to port the bloody Dingoo version!
IIRC the sound asm core was removed due to some bugs even in GP2X version. Same happened for uae4all on pandora, nobody wants to do real work to fix it and go for an easy route..
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I started this port, and I'll tell you plainly why its the dingoo version -- the others are a mess, and/or a pita to port; and more to point -- I never had a SNES (I do own one and a couple games, but never used it.. got it a few years back); without any personal attachment to any Nintendo platform, I took the easiest path. SiENcE does a great job maintaining it,a nd being pure SDL and C its a simple direct port. Can't complain with results -- runs great, most people happy, and it didnt' kill anyone to port it ;) Its really hard to work on emus for platforms you really don't care about .. I only did it since so many people wanted it :)

Always option to drop back in the asm cores, and so on .. but so far, no one who cares about SNES that much is involved; once a die hard SNES fan whose a coder comes along, maybe it'll happen.

Ivanovic and Wiz and such I think are in the same boat; they like SNES a little, enough to spend some time to pollish the bits they wanted to pollish, but as it works well enough for them ...

It does work really well, skeezix, and thank you once again.

SNES happens to be one of the most-loved consoles of all time, and the evidence can be seen in the hard work that has gone into the core SNES emulators and their derivatives (ZSNES, Snes9x, etc.).

I think we've all been spoiled by these emus and want the same level of perfection on the Pandora.

Also, once again, you've REALLY GOT to try some of the SNES games, skeezix. They remain some of my very favorites to this day. I'm playing Harvest Moon on my lunch break.
Also, once again, you've REALLY GOT to try some of the SNES games, skeezix. They remain some of my very favorites to this day. I'm playing Harvest Moon on my lunch break.
Seconded. (Except for the Harvest Moon part, at least. :lol: )

I have to say that some of my favourite Mega Man titles are on the SNES, including my most favourite one, and it's been a joy playing them on the Pandora, since it feels like they were meant for it. That's a glowing endorsement, folks. :P
I played Simcity on SNES, and Killer Instinct since its a good port ;)

I do mean to try LttP and Chronotrigger etc, but I prefer Western RPGs and not J-RPGs, and with no nostalgic attachment, I just don't "get" them :)

There _is_ a lot of great stuff on SNES, but its one of those things .. Tactics Ogre and such should be up my alley, but I missed that console, so they don't "grab me".

There _is_ a lot of great stuff on SNES, but its one of those things .. Tactics Ogre and such should be up my alley, but I missed that console, so they don't "grab me".

I can understand this completely. I'd love to have the time to go back and relive some of those consoles that I missed, but alas, there's never time.

Chrono Trigger and Zelda: ALTTP are essential games to play if you like video games at all. And EarthBound is a really good (i.e. quick, no level-grinding, entertaining and original) RPG. I'm not the biggest RPG fan (there's only a handful I can claim to really like), but the SNES has at least two of the best in Chrono Trigger and EarthBound.
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And EarthBound is a really good (i.e. quick, no level-grinding, entertaining and original) RPG.
My favourite part of EarthBound, something I honestly felt should have been implemented in all JRPGs, was the auto-winning: as soon as you reach a certain level, it's just assumed that you'll win the fight, so why bother going through the motions? Too many RPGs I've played, you go back to an earlier map (either by accident or design) and you need to take a minute out of every 3 to fight a group of monsters that gives you practically nothing.
My favourite part of EarthBound, something I honestly felt should have been implemented in all JRPGs, was the auto-winning: as soon as you reach a certain level, it's just assumed that you'll win the fight, so why bother going through the motions? Too many RPGs I've played, you go back to an earlier map (either by accident or design) and you need to take a minute out of every 3 to fight a group of monsters that gives you practically nothing.

That, and the enemies running away from you after you beat the boss of an area.
My favourite part of EarthBound, something I honestly felt should have been implemented in all JRPGs, was the auto-winning: as soon as you reach a certain level, it's just assumed that you'll win the fight, so why bother going through the motions? Too many RPGs I've played, you go back to an earlier map (either by accident or design) and you need to take a minute out of every 3 to fight a group of monsters that gives you practically nothing.

Absolutely. This is why I cannot play Xenogears through again. I love the story. It's rich and deep (and sometimes complicated, but I blame Japanese to English translation). I care about the characters. I even like the music a lot. But those random battles... there are simply too many battles with enemies I can wipe the floor with, and yet there's no way around that. Not even with a cheat code. It adds way too much time to the otherwise-enjoyable game.

That, and the enemies running away from you after you beat the boss of an area.

That and chasing them down after a boss battle for really easy level gain.
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And EarthBound is a really good (i.e. quick, no level-grinding, entertaining and original) RPG.
My favourite part of EarthBound, something I honestly felt should have been implemented in all JRPGs, was the auto-winning: as soon as you reach a certain level, it's just assumed that you'll win the fight, so why bother going through the motions? Too many RPGs I've played, you go back to an earlier map (either by accident or design) and you need to take a minute out of every 3 to fight a group of monsters that gives you practically nothing.

The favourite part of EarthBound HAS to be the coffee break :D
It would be hard for me to pick a single favorite part of the game, but I really like the pop-culture references. In particular I like the Blues Brothers, Chuck Berry, and Beatles nods.

I had a dedicated EarthBound thread around here somewhere. It remains my favorite game of all time.