

Dec 23, 2003
Near Southampton (UK)
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I'm just starting my coursework for graphics (GCSE) thats gonna be due at the end of next skool year, ive decided of two possibilities of products i can promote, I'm either gonna choose a band and make a display stand for their cd's or merchandise, or Im going to make a stand for GP32 instore promotions, i think this would be good and maybe gamepark would be able to see what sort of instore promotional stand they need to be creating to intice people to get Gp's.
What do you guys think, its not really that important but i thought u lot might be interested.
Hmmm, I would go for the band.

A GP32 store would be hard to do *in my opinion* and could you really stand every classmate asking what a gp32 is?

I'm doing the graphics gcse exam this summer.

My coursework was to create a retail outlet shop front.
I made a cool black cafe called 'neo tokyo' that had funky manga effects on it.
From experience, that's my advice.
Skop posted on May 18 2004 at 02:00 PM said:
Hmmm, I would go for the band.

A GP32 store would be hard to do *in my opinion* and could you really stand every classmate asking what a gp32 is?

I'm doing the graphics gcse exam this summer.

My coursework was to create a retail outlet shop front.
I made a cool black cafe called 'neo tokyo' that had funky manga effects on it.
From experience, that's my advice.
Well i dont remember a day since ive had my Gp that someone hasn't asked me what it is and ive learnt to sum it up easily for those who are technophobes or just thick "It's a gameboy where you download games to it and you can snes and megadrive on it, and listen to mp3's," and they say soemthing like wicked or something.
Neway its not a whole store its just a promotional thing to stande the gp boxes on etc, like the things you sometimes see new games stood on in GAME and other stores.

Edit: Your project sounded nice, especially the maga effects sound like it lookd good, got any pics?
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Oh, in that case, the gp32 promotion stand doesn't sound too bad.
Plus you'll have the added bonus of originality as you'll be displaying an obscure korean handheld :D

By manga effects, I took manga pictures and *using photoshop* zoomed in on the distinct manga eyes of the characters *you know what i mean?* and made menu covers and leaflets with the manga eye in the background.

Also, the name in the shop front was written over a pair of manga eyes that faded into black from left to right .

Pictures? well, I've left school now on study leave, but y'know i'll try and get right on that!!
you should do resistent materials great fun just great fun + the exams aren't as hard either + my model was utterly stupid + i got 114/120 for it + my folder work...
completely unrelated i seem 2 be getting no where with gcse revision especially in german + english
I took graphics tho because im good at drawing and find isometric sketching, orthographic projection etc real easy, plus i enjoy drawin stuff its a doss of a lesson really.
I'm in the middle of making and Arcade for my A level c/work, I've decided to go full on and do it in shedloads of detail, so far i have spent about 5 hours and made one (scale 1:30) Metal Slug Cabinet and one Pachinko machine
mattmagoo posted on May 18 2004 at 04:46 PM said:
I'm in the middle of making and Arcade for my A level c/work, I've decided to go full on and do it in shedloads of detail, so far i have spent about 5 hours and made one (scale 1:30) Metal Slug Cabinet and one Pachinko machine
can you post pics of your work?
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