Programming Software - Source Code Available!


Still Fresh
Jun 25, 2006
Clickteam has released the source code to AMOS & STOS, game-creating programs originally for the Amiga and the Atari ST. The links are here:

Would anyone be willing to try porting this to the GP2X? I think something like this would increase the amount of homebrew tremendously, since it's based on BASIC and much easier for programming-newbies (like me) to use.

Even a partial port that supported a smaller command set would be great. If someone began serious development on this, I'd definitely donate to it! :)
You don't say what you want...

Do you want to use it on the PC and for it to generate GP2X executables? Or do you want to use it on the 2X itself? The first would require a lot more work.
Amos is the only programming language that I ever got around to trying out.
Did quite well with it too, seeing as I only had the demo version from the Amiga Format magazine & no instructions.
I got the man from the first samuri game walking about with the joystick & waving his sword when I pressed the button.
I was so proud :lol:
If we wanted to make a newb friendly programming language work on the 2X, maybe we should do LUA, so people could make games for the PSP and GP2X at the same time.
Squidge posted on Jul 28 2006 at 12:28 AM said:
You don't say what you want...

Do you want to use it on the PC and for it to generate GP2X executables? Or do you want to use it on the 2X itself? The first would require a lot more work.

Programming with AMOS on the GP2X would be very cool! But I was thinking mainly of the first. There are two source code files available: the first is for the main programming interface, and the second is for the compiler that generates an executable.

I thought that only the second file (the compiler) would have to be worked on, so that it could open a file created by the first and save it as something compatible with the GP2X.

But again, I'm a lame BASIC programmer, so this could be insanely difficult for all I know. :(
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32Me posted on Jul 28 2006 at 02:55 AM said:
Clickteam has released the source code to AMOS & STOS at game-creating programs originally for the Amiga and the Atari ST. The links are here:

Would anyone be willing to try porting this to the GP2X? I think something like this would increase the amount of homebrew tremendously, since it's based on BASIC and much easier for programming-newbies (like me) to use.

Even a partial port that supported a smaller command set would be great. If someone began serious development on this, I'd definitely donate to it! :)

Cool, I learnt a lot with AMOS. It gave me a chance to learn game coding without having to learn the hardware.
I did a few licenceware games, one sold very well. Words & Ladders and Billy Ball. :) God that was a long time ago, 1993. Still got the mag that they were reviewed in, in the loft !

Edit:Just had a look, I think some of it maybe missing. And its all in asm, too long ago since I did any 68k code and the coments are in french.
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I have recompiled Chicken Scheme (a compiled Scheme implementation) and its SDL bindings, so right now i can run a Scheme program, interpreted, in my PC, and then, cross-compile it and run in the GP2X. Scheme is VERY high level and flexible, but very abstract too in many notions. But the compiling feature ensures that my games will run very fast on the GP2X.