[Programming Competition!] 'making My Game The Way I Like 2012


Sep 6, 2010
Madrid, Spain

It's only to inform you, we start a new homebrew game programming competition called 'Making my Game the way I like 2012'.

The competition ends 31 October 2012, you can made the game you want, in tecnology you want and plataform you want.

The rules at the moment are available only in spanish language, you can check it on the official page:


We hope you participate, because the prices be will improved during the competition :)


GECA soft
Thanks to hardyx, now we have the rules in english

Programming Contest 'Making my Game the way I like 2012'

If your passion are the games and you like retro programming and homebrew videogame creation, now you have the opportunity to show us your work, for the system you like and be rewarded for it!

Contest Rules

1 - Language and Tools:

- Can be programmed with any programming language or technology on the planet Earth, except for DIV-LIKE (languages ​​derived from DIV Games studio) if you use a DIV-LIKE only will be accepted BennuGD (also we don’t accept DIV Games studio).

Official BennuGD Website: http://www.bennugd.org/

- It can be done for any platform (console or SO) system.
- You can use external modules and owners if the language allows.
- You can use any tool or auxiliary tool, necessary for the creation of graphics, models, sounds, etc.

2 - Type of game:

There are 2 possible ways to compete:

1 - Those who participated in the previous contest 'Thunder Hoop Remake' will continue his project and present it in this contest. Improvements will be evaluated compared to the work presented previously and taking into account the timeline of
the current competition. They will have to adapt to new rules on language use.

2 - Make a game or game creation engine, free-themed game (the original game, remake, etc.) you create the game you want with no restrictions on gender or age group.

3 - Conditions:

- Each participant may submit as many games / engines as you like.

- If a game it must bear the splash screen contest and this must be visible at game beginning at least for 4 seconds.
The logo will be available to use right here in the coming days, in several cases can not be modified unless you need to change the resolution to a non-existent or that the target platform does not support the quality of the logo.

- The games may not be published until the contest is finished, the only thing allowed is show some screenshot in any progress or help forum. If any game is released before this, it will be disqualified immediately.

- The games of less than 10 MB can be sent by e-mail to geca_portugal@yahoo.com.
For games with more than 10 MB, you must provide a download link in the email itself.

- Along with the game must include all resources used by it and all the source code,
configuration scripts and compilation, compiler, etc. In other words, everything needed to compile and correct operation.
If you use any external module or unit programmed exclusively for it, this also should be come with source code in the language that has been created.
The source code will not be evaluated, only be taken into account to verify that there has been a minimum of effort to create the game / engine, and that this is not a simple copy / paste from other codes.
We never will distribute the source code to third parties unless the author declares open source or he wants.

The author shall have all rights to his work, you can then distribute under the license you want (open source, closed source, or whatever).

Also include a file "info.txt" with the following information:
- Name of the work presented.
- Brief description of the game and manual.
- Nick / Name of the programmer.
- Units or permit third parties (if there is something used with the consent of third people).
- E-mail contact.

We evaluate the following categories:

- Originality and / or innovation (for that is a continuation of the previous game contest)
- Gameplay / addition
- Performance / robustness in execution
- Graphics / Animation (quality ripping / animation or graphics quality original / adapted)
- Music / Sound FX (ripping quality or sound quality original / adapted)

4 - Prizes:

First prize:
- Dreamcast (used) in perfect working order, with a remote and all cables.
- Yinlips G18 A10 model (preowned), complete and perfect working order.

Second prize:
- GP2X Wiz (in perfect condition) with pen stylus, usb cable carrying all in its original box.

Third prize:
- Graphics Card Zotac GeForce 9300 ITX WiFi PCI Express x16 2.0 (Details)

These are initial awards, prizes will be upgraded with big surprises along the contest

The contest not 'be declared void' if there are few participants, if for example is given only one, this automatically win the first prize.
That if, is reserved 'not delivering the award' if it is found that the game has been 'just sent' for the post and does not present a minimum quality.

5 - Dates:

Deadline for the games: Oct. 31, 2012 (24:00 hours of Madrid / Spain).
Announcement of winners: 1 ~ 20 November 2012.

6 - Additional Information:

The jury will consist of 5 people who will be announced after evaluating all jobs.

Jurors will not be able to participate in the contest (to be chosen from persons not participating).

All Content included in the games is all on the responsibilities of the authors.

Participants outside of Spain will have to cover the cost of shipping the prize and must compulsorily have a PayPal account where they would receive the prize if you win.

The rules may be changed.

Any additions or changes made to them will be advised also in respective forums where you advertise.

Participation in this Contest implies knowledge and acceptance of the rules listed above.

Thank you very much to 'cjv99' user of the GP32Spain forum for donating the prizes.