I guys, I have opened this thread to post all problems/solutions with SEGA CD games emulated on Wiz.
All games I've tested on Picodrive 1.35 run perfectly but Sol-Feace doesn't start. I've tried a lot of version of game, japan, euro, usa, but all of them freeze after SEGA logo with Sonic. I've tried also to make a perfect image of original CD-Rom of my Sol-Feace Euro version, but it's the same, freeze.
There a way to run it?
Games that run perfectly (always tearing of screen but it is a console problem) are:
Revengers of Vengeance (great game!)
Lunar 1
Black Hole assalut
Final Fight CD (need skipframe=1 to adjust music problems)
AX 101
Sonic CD (may need skipframe=1)
Keio Flying squadron
Megarace (game with craziest movie ever!! XD)
Sega Classics Arcade Collection
Ranma 1/2
Sol-Feace freeze at SEGA+Sonic screen
Time Gals doesn't start
All games I've tested on Picodrive 1.35 run perfectly but Sol-Feace doesn't start. I've tried a lot of version of game, japan, euro, usa, but all of them freeze after SEGA logo with Sonic. I've tried also to make a perfect image of original CD-Rom of my Sol-Feace Euro version, but it's the same, freeze.
There a way to run it?
Games that run perfectly (always tearing of screen but it is a console problem) are:
Revengers of Vengeance (great game!)
Lunar 1
Black Hole assalut
Final Fight CD (need skipframe=1 to adjust music problems)
AX 101
Sonic CD (may need skipframe=1)
Keio Flying squadron
Megarace (game with craziest movie ever!! XD)
Sega Classics Arcade Collection
Ranma 1/2
Sol-Feace freeze at SEGA+Sonic screen
Time Gals doesn't start