Problems With Mame Gp32 2.3


Still Fresh
Jun 7, 2006
Having problems with the new version of MAME GP32 (though it's the first version of GP32 MAME I've ever tried).

Some of the ROMS I put on don't show up, Smpire Strikes Back ( and Robocop (b&p versions) neither show up as available ROMS.

In addition to this I've still not got Shinobi working. I've tried a couple of different romsets (including one from the 0.34b romset that's doing the rounds) but still no joy. The sprites are okay, but the backgrounds are screwed up.

Must be doing something wrong or have the wrong romsets or something, but I don't know quite what to do next.

Any suggestions?

P.S. it may be that I need to reset the available games list, but I'm not sure how.


When you are at the games list, hit the <SELECT> and <START> menu. This gets you to a menu where you can refresh the list of available games.
Empire Strikes Back requires the ZIP file to be called "empire", not Make sure you are using 0.34/0.35 romsets - in later versions Empire Strikes Backs was renamed to ESB (so this seems to indicate you are using a later romset).
Not sure why shinobi isn't working. Is anyone else having issues as it works fine for me?
When you are at the games list, hit the <SELECT> and <START> menu. This gets you to a menu where you can refresh the list of available games.
Empire Strikes Back requires the ZIP file to be called "empire", not Make sure you are using 0.34/0.35 romsets - in later versions Empire Strikes Backs was renamed to ESB (so this seems to indicate you are using a later romset).
Not sure why shinobi isn't working. Is anyone else having issues as it works fine for me?

Cheers Slaneesh - Got the games liting now.

ESB was a rom from another set as I couldn't find it in the 0.34b romset (now I know why).

As for Shinobi, is there a possibility that somethign else is causing the problem?

I've got one of the FLU units that only runs at 156.

If I don't get anywhere I might start a new post asking if anyone else has failed to get Shinobi working.

Thanks again

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Okay, for "Shinobi (bootleg)" to function correctly use the following settings for your FLU GP32:

156Mhz speed should be plenty.
Graphics Core = Old Core
Gamma = 1.3
Video Clock = 80%
Sound = Accurate (11025)
Audio Clock = 80%
Can anyone help me with some Screens, How do I Rampage to actually fit the screen? (And not really major,but how do I get the rest of the 1st stage in Donkey Kong to show?)
Can anyone help me with some Screens, How do I Rampage to actually fit the screen? (And not really major,but how do I get the rest of the 1st stage in Donkey Kong to show?)
For Rampage use the following settings:

Graphics Core = New Core
Screen Fit = Skip Lines

To rotate the screen around for portrait games like Donkey Kong, press the two shoulder buttons at the same whilst you are in game. Press them again to rotate back to normal.
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Graphics Core = New Core
Screen Fit = Skip Lines
Were do you find those settings I can't locate them

EDIT:OK Got it but the problem is I seem to control All Monsters,how can I just pick one.And How can I get Space Invaders to work?
[EDIT:OK Got it but the problem is I seem to control All Monsters,how can I just pick one.And How can I get Space Invaders to work?
By default, the credits you input are for player one, in this case "George" the oversized gorilla.
If you hold "up" on the joystick whilst inserting a credit with left shoulder button, you will insert credits for player 2. Instructions for doing this are in the readme.txt under the controls section.
You should be able to pick another monster by doing this.
Like all GP32 MAME roms, including Space Invaders, they need to be from MAME version 0.34/0.35.
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Yeah I got Space Invaders rom and just when it's about to load it just crashes on startup.Popeye justs displays a screen full of green 0's.
Okay, for "Shinobi (bootleg)" to function correctly use the following settings for your FLU GP32:

156Mhz speed should be plenty.
Graphics Core = Old Core
Gamma = 1.3
Video Clock = 80%
Sound = Accurate (11025)
Audio Clock = 80%

Worked like a charm - when you originally said use the old core I thought you were referring to the romset itself :wacko: Apologies, my readme.txt file is very difficult to follow )it's all in one long line for some reason).

Just wondering, is there a definitive list for these settings? That would be really useful.

Many thanks again

The unworthy Joe.
Worked like a charm - when you originally said use the old core I thought you were referring to the romset itself :wacko: Apologies, my readme.txt file is very difficult to follow )it's all in one long line for some reason).
It's probably UNIX text file format which means it's missing linefeeds (or is it carriage returns?) Anyway it comes out as one long line as you describe. I better update this for the next release. :-)

In the gameslist.txt gives suggested settings, but again this will probably be "one big line" again for you.

You could try loading it into MS Word or even WordPad - I think they have some text file format cleverness.
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Worked like a charm - when you originally said use the old core I thought you were referring to the romset itself :wacko: Apologies, my readme.txt file is very difficult to follow )it's all in one long line for some reason).
It's probably UNIX text file format which means it's missing linefeeds (or is it carriage returns?) Anyway it comes out as one long line as you describe. I better update this for the next release. :-)

In the gameslist.txt gives suggested settings, but again this will probably be "one big line" again for you.

You could try loading it into MS Word or even WordPad - I think they have some text file format cleverness.

Sorted! :D

Thanks again


P.S. Anything I can do to improve the crackly sound on Rygar?
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