Sales Problems pre-ordering with Visa Electron


Mar 2, 2008
After almost three hours of desperately trying to make my Visa Electron work, I thought I would ask whether or not anyone else had similar problems. The old forum isn't working at the moment, so couldn't find the info from there (there were similar threads there, I know).

So the problem is, after I give all the details to the form, and it tries to authorise the transaction, it gives an error saying "The Authorisation has been declined by the bank. Please try a different card."

I even tried with different card types (Visa and Visa Debit), but in the final page it always changes it to Visa Electron, like it should be. I even tried it as a credit card (what it shouldn't be...)

These are the things I have enabled/tried/used:
1. Cookies on
2. The card number is without spaces
3. Cardholder name tried with and without middle name, in different orders
4. Expiry date 12/08, like the card states
5. Security code taken from the signature strip (last 3 digits)
6. Billing address checked straight from the internet bank (tried with only street address, and additionally also with postal code and place)
7. I live in Finland, so the Billing post code is 000 (I also tried with the real one, gives an error)
8. There is enough money in the account

I would have the possibility to change the card into a creditable Visa, but I think the change will take few days to complete, so that's not an option... (And just for the sake of pure coincidence, if there are any Finns reading this, the bank I'm using is Säästöpankki)

So, any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?
uhhh... Maybe you should try the german shop? Can't really help you otherwise
Where are you trying to buy it from? If you buy it from I think you should select credit card from the three Payment Methods. Because I did the same thing and it worked for me. I have the same card (Visa Electron), but the bank is different (Osuuspankki).

But in my opinion you have done it as it should have been done. Maybe Säästöpankki doesn't want you to become happy and is trying to make your life miserably? Hmm, when you entered the billing address, did you put your name on it? Example:

Matti Meikäläinen
Esimerkkikuja 3
10100 Esimerkkikaupunki

And the card holder name should be Surname Firstname in that order. And check, doublecheck and triplecheck everything is inputted right. I can't think of anything else. I hope you will succeed, it would be nice to get more Pandora owners in Finland, although I know I will be the only one in my town who has one. :-)
Sorry for all the trouble. It finally occured to me why it was refusing the transaction:
Even though I have enough money in the account, it doesn't help much if I still have withdrawal/use limit placed on the account. Maybe it's time to take that off too...

Or maybe that isn't the case at all. Because I've made other bigger orders over the years, and they went through alright... But that may have been because they were direct invoices through internet bank login service, so they must have been handled as a bank transaction (which doesn't contain any limits), as opposed to the pandora order which was handled as a card purchase. Afterall, this IS my first time ordering abroad (and pre-ordering also), all the others have been domestic purchases, and they usually have the option of bank transfer and/or internet bank login service (or even cash on delivery).

First I thought the blame would have been in Säästöpankki, because there have been some earlier problems with Säästöpankki's Visa Electron when ordering from abroad (but I thought they would have fixed it by now, those stories were from 2003-2005).

But anyway, I concluded it would take until Monday for the change to come in to effect, so I just arranged it with my parents so that I would use their Visa and then transferred it back to them. So now I'm good to go. Didn't get any confirmation email though. Maybe there wasn't even supposed to be (yet)...?