Problem With Super Double Dragon On Pocketsnes


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2010
While I am playing Super Double Dragon on the Wiz, it keeps adding a 2nd player even though I choose a 1 player game. Then the controls end up controlling both players so they perform the exact same move at the same time.

It seems to happen at random. I'm not sure if there is a certain button that does it. As far as I can tell, I am only pressing the buttons that perform attacks in the game and Pause.

Is there any way to avoid adding a 2nd player?
Oh yeah, and it is when you pause it, then you start the other player. Or if you die and continue you will start both players.
Interesting. Since there is no control configuration file for pocketSNES, I'd suggest bringing it up in the thread [link] itself, perhaps it might bring it to the attention of the person working on it. Unfortunately, that's the only advice I can see giving, since we have no way to alter the controls.
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