Premium Pandora - No Sticker


Still Fresh
Feb 21, 2011
Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me, I got my premium Pandora about a week ago, but no sticker underneath the battery.

I know its a small thing but the longer I have had it the more I want one, so for the Dev team, Is there a premium sticker coming out? and if so will I get one sent out automatically along with any other folk who didnt get a sticker either?

Nothing at all? Are you sure its a real Pandora and not some Korean knock off?

My premium Pandora was 1630, but it is back home in Pandora Land for a new case.
Nothing at all, totally blank behind battery, is a bit strange, maybe a total oversight as they were waiting on new stickers coming but shipped mine out before they arrived.

Would really like one as feels incomplete without it :(
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Nothing at all, totally blank behind battery, is a bit strange, maybe a total oversight as they were waiting on new stickers coming but shipped mine out before they arrived.

Would really like one as feels incomplete without it :(

I have the same, I had three with stickers before, but now Im sticker-less :D (maybe we can order spare stickers :P )

(oh this was an RMA unit not a premium one)
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Yeah tried the battery case as well in what I thought was a moment of inspiration, but alas no sticker.

Wonder how many are in the same boat and if we will get them sent out?
Probably done in response to complaints that premiums were getting the 'first batch' sticker.

Can't please everyone...
Yeah, no issue at all in not getting a 1st batch sticker but should be something in there I think rather than nothing.

Craigx, Are there premium stickers and can I get one? ;)
Check inside the battery case.

Haha I know where the sticker is supposed to be, ive had 3 pandora's before this one, its not there!
I meant in the actual plastic storage case where the battery can go when not in use, and I was talking to Highlandyeti :P

Someone else with a premium Pandora mentioned they got a sticker in their battery case rather than actually attached, I thought maybe that was a thing they were doing now.