PPSSPP performance on Pyra?


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2011
Vilnius, Lithuania
I was wondering, will Pyra be able to run 3D graphic intensive games like Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix on PPSSPP fullspeed with 720p and maxed out graphics?

What do you guys think?

P.S. I've been able to run the game on Xperia Z2 with quite a bit of lag, even with a low resolution.
Well. Have a look how it runs on the nvidia shield or Chromebook. Should be similar.

I belive there is a point where not only hardware performance matters as a dreamcast emu runs equally good on the Pandora and newest android devices.

A game that makes ppsspp struggle is Tales Of Eternia, I would love to see it runs at fullspeed!
It doesn't work at all right now, the DBP needs to be updated to account for changes in the Pyra's OS.
Ptitseb's thread includes a source tar file, which itself includes a makefile. But I think this may merely be an archive of the latest PPSSPP source, so exclude anything special done for the Pandora. But if he is providing the source unaltered it suggests he's not actually patching it.
Attached is is the CMakeCache.txt I have used for QT build on aarch64. I assume Pyra will use SDL2 backend.

PPSSPP refuse to use the Opengl-ES on on my linux builds. It seems ppsspp authors only give one 'opengl' target and assume system either have OpenGL or ES but not both at same time.

I am curious how to build for opengl-es on linux.

[EDIT] I see this ptitseb release many things but does not share his build configuration or modifications for ppsspp. To be open-source we need the source (and configuration) used to make a release. This is important, I think. Thank you.
I had always gives my modification to anyone asking them. I don't like your tone on the "open-source" obligation there.

**EDIT**: Here is the diff from my last Pandora build. But it's a diff to build on SDL1, and you really don't want that on the Pyra. Most of the changes here are useless, but there you go, enjoy the diff.


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