Powervr Sdk Opengl Es 2 : Problem With Pvrframe


Feb 7, 2008
Land of French Mustard
I have download the SDK of imgtec for OpenGL ES 2 and i have a problem, i tested the binaries of examples but i only see very primitives things no texture and no other effects :(

with the SDK for OpenGL ES 1.1 everythings works fine :)

here a quote of my post under forum of imgtec :

just download your SDK to begin developp for Pandora
also i wanted to use the Opengl ES 2 SDK but i have a big problem

i tried binaries but all i seen is primitives things : colours, triangle or rectangle but no texture , text, and other ...Cry

so i tried same but with SDK OpenGL ES 1.1, and all binaries works fine Wink

My configuration : laptop Toshiba Satellite under XP

graphic card inside : ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M OpenGL 2.1 full

for example for the Alpha blend i see only three rectangle blue ... Confused

please help i need to see result program OpenGL ES 2 on my PC .... Pandora is not release yet : http://openpandora.org/ Wink

If you works with it can you tell us if you have same problem like me or not?
Mine works. Radeon 9600XT. Maybe your card doesn't support OpenGL 2.0?
Tinnus said:
Mine works. Radeon 9600XT. Maybe your card doesn't support OpenGL 2.0?
it's an Opengl 2.1 card but i have for example problems with No-gravity under XP who need only opengl 1.4 :(

i test my openGL functions with GLView who told me 2.1 full :huh:

and when i test binary under my other PC who have only OpenGL 1.3 not full i have some errors and binary stop :rolleyes:

Imgtec told me than they have problems with some cards and work about that :)

well i don't test under linux :rolleyes: maybe .....

thanks Tinnus ;)
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PokeParadox said:
Did you have to do anything in particular, since when I last tried I was getting compiler errors?
i'm not at this step , well i think i'm not configure well my compiler i have errors too under Visual C++ 2005 Net

now i install a linux ubuntu to have a dev with gcc and station more near Pandora than xp
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PokeParadox said:
Did you have to do anything in particular, since when I last tried I was getting compiler errors?
What was the output you got?? to be honest I don't remember if I did anything most compiler errors I correct without putting them to memory ^^
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Holokauston said:
PokeParadox said:
Did you have to do anything in particular, since when I last tried I was getting compiler errors?
What was the output you got?? to be honest I don't remember if I did anything most compiler errors I correct without putting them to memory ^^

I need to get around to trying to get it working again, but it was something to do with the provided *.o files not being the right version.
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I have some news from Imgtec :
it is a bug of model of my card , a coder of imgtec send me a beta ( only for xp ) for test and i see now the texture, i have a few problems of render for the two demo and some binaries but *waouh* the effect of some is very great

We must make a great demo and send it to Squidge or MWeston for compile and test first on devboard, and version for the Pandora .

i want to see the result on real hardware :D
PokeParadox said:
I need to get around to trying to get it working again, but it was something to do with the provided *.o files not being the right version.
Ah if you follow Arialia link in the first post to his post at imgtec forum and his second post you get a link to a new set of files[ OGLES PVRVFrame (Build: ], I would think these are the once you need, I put them in before even trying.

Yeah a demo playing on Pandora or a Dev board would be nice, pref. I would want one with a FPS count and stages of how heavy the graphics are, sharders etc. to see what we really can expect in performance on it.
Sure compiling it on a comp lets you know it will run but it's hard to really see how well, my OpenGL skills and OpenGL|ES skills are sadly not at they stage where I can put something like that together without some serious time and effort :( but I'm learning =D
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Arialia said:
Imgtec told me than they have problems with some cards and work about that :)

well i don't test under linux :rolleyes: maybe .....

thanks Tinnus ;)
I wouldn't try to test that under Linux with your setup. The XPress 200M only sorta works under XP well, for moderately small values of "well". It's an evil GPU chip that's been crippled down in some nasty ways just to make transistor count and thermal envelope profiles for that day. (Also worth noting: Depending on version, the drivers don't work right for No Gravity on Windows- something they got "wrong" on the drivers. :rolleyes:) Anything you develop with the new wrapper ought to work on your machine, but it definitely won't be representative of what the Pandora's full abilities. It's actually got a more robust GPU than you happen to have in your laptop. ;)
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Svartalf said:
Arialia said:
Imgtec told me than they have problems with some cards and work about that :)

well i don't test under linux :rolleyes: maybe .....

thanks Tinnus ;)
I wouldn't try to test that under Linux with your setup. The XPress 200M only sorta works under XP well, for moderately small values of "well". It's an evil GPU chip that's been crippled down in some nasty ways just to make transistor count and thermal envelope profiles for that day. (Also worth noting: Depending on version, the drivers don't work right for No Gravity on Windows- something they got "wrong" on the drivers. :rolleyes:) Anything you develop with the new wrapper ought to work on your machine, but it definitely won't be representative of what the Pandora's full abilities. It's actually got a more robust GPU than you happen to have in your laptop. ;)

:huh: thanks Svartalf for these details

do you mean than my laptop's card has less abilities than the Pandora's GPU ? Good , very good so :)

Well , what the cards i can buy for my other computer with good abilities ?
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Arialia said:
Well , what the cards i can buy for my other computer with good abilities ?

I am not sure this is the right place to discuss that :)
When you buy hardware, set a price limit, then see what you can get.
If you have Linux in mind, buy nVidia (this statement will be true until the open source 3d ATI driver comes to life), they have good drivers with OpenGL 2.1 support.
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