Thanks for the update and your work. I'm happy to see the progress, and fwiw here're my priorities:
- Sleep. I'm against labour abuse, and being self-employed or enterpreneur is absolutely no excuse for condescending to unhealthy work conditions. Slavery used violence in addition to social constructs, and as it evolved toward serfdom, absolutism, industrialist capitalism and eventually "web 2.0 collaborative economy" it is virtualizing chains more and more until they are build by the slaves themselves in their own brains. You can do what you want to your own health but you don't get the right to sell the result. Delay, ship as is, cancel or do whatever it takes, but get healthy sleep, please. Otherwise the Pyra hanging in a Christmas tree might be a very macabre gift.
- Open hardware. I dislike the NC clause. Of course authors can choose to license as they please, but it's dissappointing. I know most hardware is even worse with secret schematics, but we can still wish for more. Some possibilities might be relicensing freely later on, either at a given date or at a given profit, or maybe just setting a price on the design under a free licenses and letting people contribute to it in some crowdfunding to recover costs. I don't think copyright stops any copycats. They just don't care and operate somewhere you won't easily sue them. But NC stops any group putting enough effort that it organises itself to pay for some or all of the effort. With that perspective, even individuals may feel little motivated to contribute. This is about design modifications. The production of the device itself should not be covered by copyright, although I've seen some surprising
news posted in the EOMA68 mailing list (one of the possible copycats that I'm sad to see prevented). Anyway, maybe the license only applies to PDFs because they are not that useful as source material to derive from and it is going to be delivered in more source-like form with a free license sometime.
- Speed. I'd like as much MHz as possible so I welcome your efforts to reiterate and fix it. I don't know enough electronics to guess the costs or probabilities, so I must trust you there. But 1,2 GHz should be enough if it is becoming too expensive to fix.
- RAM. I'm now sorry to once have suggested to wait to test 4GB before ordering, since in the end you've had to order anyway without final 4GB tests and it might have cost you more. I didn't think in rice fluctuations. I hope you wasn't hit too hard. I always tend to think components get cheaper until they're no longer available

. I'm curious what changes are needed. I guess RAM configuration is done in u-boot. Then what needs to be changed in the kernel ? Enabling LPAE? regulators or clocks in DTS ? I used to think a 32 bit ARM SOC could not use 4GB without LPAE because part of the address space was needed for MMIO, ROM, etc. But then I saw one boot with boot an LPAE kernel and the same without LPAE configured and top reporting all the 4GB and was confused as how that was possible... I feel I know less each day.
- Videos. I wouldn't care much about videos when there are other more urgent things to do. Even this textual news updates I like so much may wait if you have other work. Don't worry too much.
Well, I'm happy prototypes seem to be getting soonish to developers. I hope that will help a lot in development and hopefully reduce a little load on the few people that is currently working on it. And it will be someone able to shoot videos who is not busy in more urgent things.
Thanks for your efoorts, but please take care.